Friday, May 20, 2022

Myanmar delegation attends 19th SOMRI meeting online

A Myanmar delegation led by Director-General of the Myanma Radio and Television of the Ministry of Information U Ye Naing participated in the 19th ASEAN Senior Officials Responsible for Information and its related meetings-19th SOMRI hosted by the current Chair Thailand yesterday morning.

The SOMRI meetings are held annually with the aim of strengthening mutual understanding and trust between the member countries through the ASEAN Regional Information Service. Senior Information Officials from the ASEAN countries, department officials from Thailand and officials from the ASEAN Secretariat attended it.

At the meeting, representatives from the countries currently chairing the three working groups of the ASEAN Senior Of ficials’ Meeting on Information: SOMRI Working Group on Information, Media and Training, WG-IMT, SOMRI Working Group on Content and Production, WGCP, and SOMRI Working Group on ASEAN Digital Broadcasting, WG-ADB, presented the meeting reports. The meeting also discussed the latest developments in the ASEAN Strategic Plan for Information and Media 2016-2025 and the state of cooperation in the field of information and communication in the ASEAN information sector, including the implementation of ASEAN Communications Strategic Plan No. 2 (ASEAN Communication Master Plan II).

 At the meeting, reviewing the decisions and current processes of the relevant ASEAN meetings, planning joint projects for the future, reports being approved at the ASEAN Information Ministers’ Meeting, reviewing the process and adding suggestions were done. It is reported that Viet Nam will host the 20th ASEAN Senior Officials Responsible for Information and its related meetings in 2023.



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