Friday, May 20, 2022

SAC Information Team holds 14th press conference

THE 14th press conference of the State Administration Council’s Information Team was held yesterday afternoon at the Ministry of Information under the COVID-19 rules and regulations.

Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, leader of the Information Team, U Khin Maung Oo, member of the Union Election Commission, members of the Information Team, representatives from various ministries, officials from the Tatmadaw Information Team, invitees and reporters from local and foreign media attended the conference.

First, the Team Leader of the Information Team explained the State Administration Council’s practical steps, during its government, to strengthen the multi-party democracy that is the will of the people and for the benefit of the people, to bring about practical and effective implementation of peace, the invitation of the Chairman of the State Administration Council himself to all ethnic armed organizations-EAOs to meet for an honest discussion so that all ethnic people can enjoy peace and development.

He explained that the head of state himself would meet directly with each of the EAOs at a rare and opportune time in the Myanmar peace process, paving the way for a frank meeting of key decision-makers; the goodwill of the seven EAOs that have signed the NCA and three EAOs that have not signed the NCA yet, which will attend the peace talk for the people and the interests of the region is recognized and respected by the people who want peace; the leaders of the 10 ethnic armed organizations who will attend the peace talks are the only ones who can make decisions on their behalf, and the talks will start on 20 May.

He also highlighted the murder cases of PDF terrorists targeting monks, the aims of terrorist organizations and unscrupulous persons for cutting off the source of Sasana and hidden matters, proper preventive measures as they directly insult the religion of the majority groups and effective actions if people inform their threats and violent attacks on the monks.

 He also explained the activities of the government for the education sector to complete KG+9 education (middle) for every citizen as one-third of the total population complete the middle school education according to the 2014 Census and 2019 Census, school enrollment period from 26 May to 1 June for 2022-2023 Academic Year, reopening of basic education schools on 2 June, distribution of school textbooks, manual guides for teachers, books and stationeries for KG, Grade-1 to Grade 11 including school uniforms for primary school students, re-invitation for education staff who are absent from duty via the stateowned media starting 16 May 2022 as the experienced teachers are needed to improve the education of new generations, the new appointment of basic education teachers, reopening of universities/degree colleges/colleges on 12 May 2022, students’ attendance and education promotion activities in Chin State.

He then extensively clarified the efforts of the Central Bank of Myanmar to ensure financial stability, financial and exchange rate stability, implementation of financial policy for local price stability, measures to ensure adequate finance and easy financial support in the banking sector, and action plans not to hit highest prices in the local gold market and not to trade at higher prices than normal, rumours of business persons, government’s activities to lead to the right ways as it found a violation of rules in political, economic and administrative sectors and some conduct beyond the procedures through the PowerPoint presentations.

Then, UEC member U Khin Maung Oo clarified the preparations for the multiparty democracy general election, compiling of voter lists, inspections of political parties and further work plans.

Afterwards, the officials answered the questions raised by the media outlets.

The attendees to the event observed the documentary photos of the activities of the government in peace, education, political and financial sectors including the activities of UEC.

The press conference of the SAC Information Team will be held twice every month starting May and the full interview and the holding of the press conference will further be published, it is reported.



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