Friday, May 20, 2022

MoI Deputy Minister inspects Kawthoung IPRD

DEPUTY Minister for Information U Ye Tint inspected the MRTV retransmission station in Kawthoung Township on Wednesday and gave instructions regarding the security and successive broadcasting while meeting with the staff.

He also visited the District Public Library of Kawthoung IPRD yesterday and instructed officials and staff to conduct measures in order to raise the number of readers and develop the awareness of public relations.

Then, he met the assistant director of the District Office and staff, departmental heads, and those in charge of retransmission stations of Bokpyin, Khamaukgyi, Pyigyimandaing and Karathuri towns. The deputy minister stressed the need to conduct educating programmes for the young people, cooperate with departments concerned with school enrolments, and provide timely news to the public and other matters.



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