Thursday, May 5, 2022

Officials need to arrange infrastructures for producing the commercial oil from crude palm oil through initiatives: Vice-Senior General

WHILE striving to earn income, it is necessary to efficiently use fuel and cooking oil so as to stop the waste of foreign exchange, said State Administration Council Vice-Chairman Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win in meeting with Mon State government, state, district and township-level departmental officials at the meeting hall of the government office yesterday morning.

Chief Minister U Zaw Lin Tun reported on the administration, economic and social measures of Mon State through PowerPoint, and the Vice-Senior General asked for further information and attended to the needs.

In his speech, the Vice-Senior General said that as Mon State’s budget needs deficiency annually, the Union supplementary budget is allotted. The Vice-Senior General urged all to educate the people to participate in the development of the public-based economic sector under the leadership of the chief minister and departments concerned with reducing the Union’s aid with increased income from all industries in the state.

The Vice-Senior General noted that as the main product of Mon State is rubber, the local people can earn the increased income from the manufacturing of value-added products made of rubber instead of the sale of raw rubber. Officials need to arrange the market for value-added products of the state. Kyaikhtiyoe and Kyaikkhami mid-stream pagodas, Setse beach resort, Death Railway in Thanbyuzayat, the war cemetery, ancient Christian Churches and ancient cities in Mon State can attract the local and foreign travellers. While striving to earn income, it is necessary to efficiently use fuel and cooking oil so as to stop the waste of foreign exchange.

Moreover, the Vice-Senior General continued to say that although fuel as a natural resource can be produced under limitations, Myanmar and the state have a chance to increase the production of cooking oil. As such, it is necessary to strive for efficient use of fuel and cooking oil and increase cooking oil production. Especially, cultivable lands should be placed under sunflower plantations.

All are State service personnel discharging the State duties. So, they have to serve the people for their issues with goodwill.

The Vice-Senior General also met the Taninthayi Region government and departmental officials at the government office in Dawei yesterday afternoon.

Taninthayi Region Chief Minister U Myat Ko reported on the region’s conditions through a PowerPoint presentation.

Speaking on occasion, the Vice-Senior General urged officials to arrange the security measures for students to attend the schools and universities to be reopened soon. The regional government needs to encourage the learning of all school-age children to have a KG+9 plan.

If the region changes the crude palm oil to the commercial oil in the region, the local people will have oil sufficiency and earn increased income. Hence, officials need to arrange the infrastructures for producing the commercial oil from crude palm oil through initiatives. Taninthayi Region is plentiful in rare water resources, coral reefs and natural beauties to attract travellers. Efforts must be made to generate good-income jobs for local people and undertake development in systematically carrying out fishery and agricultural tasks.



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