Thursday, April 14, 2022

Rakhine traditional Thanaka grinding festival, sacred bathing of Buddha images held


THE Rakhine traditional Thanaka grinding festival and ceremony of sacred bathing of Buddha images were organized by the Rakhine State Government yesterday morning in Sittway through the COVID-19 preventive measures set by the Ministry of Health.

The ceremonies were attended by Member of the State Administration Council Daw Aye Nu Sein, Rakhine State Chief Minister Dr Aung Kyaw Min, Commander of the Western Command Maj-Gen Htin Latt Oo, state cabinet ministers, Tatmadaw senior officers from the Sittway Station, departmental officials, town’s elders, Thanaka grinding groups and dance groups.

At the Thanaka grinding festival, the dance groups performed traditional dances. The SAC member, the chief minister, and the commander awarded the Thanaka grinding groups and the dance groups cash awards.

Afterwards, the sacred bathing of Buddha images ceremony was held at the Atula Marazein Pyilonchantha Pagoda in Sittway and was opened by chanting Namo Tassa three times. At the ceremony, the Rakhine State Government donated K10 million for the renovation work of the pagoda. The Thanaka paste gained from the ceremony were offered to the Buddha Images.



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