Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Union Attorney-General discusses AIPACODD, AIPA Caucus, IPU meetings


UNION Attorney-General Dr Thida Oo presided over a coordination meeting on 10 May for the 4th AIPACODD meeting to be held by the Advisory Council of Brunei Darussalam on 24 May, the 12th AIPA Caucus by the Parliament of Singapore on 16 May, and the 142nd Inter- Parliamentary Union Assembly- IPU from 24 to 27 May.

The meeting discussed the participation of the Myanmar delegation to AIPA and IPU meetings.

On the invitation to Myanmar officials, the officials of the UAG Office, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Office, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs will join the 4th AIPACODD Meeting and 12th AIPA Caucus. The nomination of the Myanmar delegation to IPU and associate meetings are also registered.



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