Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Tatmadaw provides treatments to over 190,000 outpatients

TATMADAW keeps providing healthcare services for the patients at the military hospitals and temporary treatment centres in the townships of regions and states.

The Tatmadaw medical teams comprising Military doctors, specialists, medical assistants and nurses have been giving medical treatments to the people to solve their difficulties in healthcare services. A total of 197,169 outpatients and 60,955 inpatients reached these hospitals from 5 February to date.

Senior medical experts, medics, medical assistants and nurses have performed 9,169 major operations and 4,675 minor tperations. The specialist gave intensive treatment to the severe cases.

These hospitals have managed for the birth of 11,850 babies to date. Of those, 4,747 cases are done in the caesarean section and 7,103 cases in standard delivery.

Moreover, Maj-Gen Ko Ko Oo, Commander of Central Command, and party comforted the military officers and other ranks who took treatments at the military hospital in PyinOoLwin, Mandalay Region, and gave cash and foodstuff. Well-wishers donated the nutritious foods for the military officers and other ranks.

In addition to providing medical care to patients in need of hospitalization, Tatmadaw is making arrangements for the well-being of hospitalized patients and caregivers.



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