Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Union Minister for Information urges broad participation in upcoming Children’s Literary Festival in Bago

The Ministry of Information and Bago Region Government coordinated a meeting in Bago yesterday in preparation for the holding of the Children’s Literary Festival at Bago University, to be held from 28 to 30 March.

Speaking at the meeting, Union Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint said the reason for organizing children’s literary festivals at universities and convocation halls is to enable children to be exposed to the atmosphere at the universities and to have the opportunity to envy university students.
Children’s literary festivals have been held successfully throughout the country thanks to the efforts made not only by the Ministry of Information, but also by the Ministry of Education, respective region and state governments, as well as cooperation by town officials and donors, said Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint.
He also urged various departments to cooperate in conducting a similar festival in Bago.
Further, the Union minister urged officials to invite alumni and town elders to participate in the festival.
Regarding the booths at the festival, the Union minister called for setting up not only those booths representing governmental departments and the university, but also to seek the participation of ethnic businessmen and ethnic traditional cultural groups.
Afterwards, U Win Thein, Chief Minister of Bago Region, pledged that the Bago Region Government provide assistance for holding the festival meeting with success.
At the meeting, Bago Region Kayin Ethnic Affairs Minister Daw Naw Pwe Say and Director-General of the Information and Public Relations Department U Ye Naing reported on arrangements for holding the children’s literary festival and Secretary of the Bago Region Government U Toe Win on work plan for the festival.
Those attendees at the meeting also took part in the discussion.
Following the meeting, Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint and Bago Region Chief Minister U Win Thein visited the Bago University.
Bago’s Children’s Literature Festival will be held from 28 to 30 March.
Hein Htet (Bago)
(Translated by Tun Tun Naing)
Photo: MNA
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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