Wednesday, January 30, 2019

LIP Ministry, ILO evaluate labour migration projects

Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population and International Labour Organization (ILO) with the support of Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Developing International Internal Migration Governance (DILM) and Livelihood and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) hold a Labour Migration Stakeholders meeting at Thingaha Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.

In his address at the meeting Union Minister for Labour, Immigration and Population U Thein Swe said this meeting was held with the aims of evaluating 2018 ILO Labour Migration projects, modifying works and strategies of 2019 Labour Migration projects with suggestion of stakeholders and obtaining approval of the 2019 work programs. Labour Migration Stakeholders meetings were held since 2016 to provide suggestions in Labour Migration projects and to share project works.
The relation between Myanmar and ILO is clearly seen to be progressing in a positive way through mutual cooperation and understanding. The UN organization is setting up appropriate policies and work processes to press on in raising the protection of the rights of migrant labour and to reduce social and economic expenses in labour migration.
Creating job opportunities in the world is becoming important and Myanmar government is setting up and implementing reform work processes while placing emphasis on development of socio-economic of the people, create jobs for anyone who can work to reduce poverty and to create appropriate works for them. Policy related to labour that are appropriate for development of qualified human resources were established and implemented in accordance to the nation’s development policy and courses on systematic management of job opportunities appropriate to the labour resources were conducted to create skilled and discipline workforce and sustainable job opportunities said the Union Minister.
Next, ILO Liaison Officer Mr. Rory Mugoven and an official from LIFT delivered messages of greetings.
The opening ceremony was attended by Pyithu and Amyotha Hluttaws representatives, departmental heads, officials from ILO-Yangon, representatives of civil society organisations and invited guests.
(Translated by Zaw Min)
Photo: MNA
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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