Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Luyechun visits pagodas in Bagan Region

The opening ceremony of the Bagan Luyechun vacation camp for grade 9 Luyechuns was held at the entrance of Royal Emerald River View Resort Hotel, Bagan town, yesterday morning. The camp was opened by Mandalay Region Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, along with (Mandalay) region ministers, the Bagan Luyechun vacation camp master, Region Education Department Deputy Director General Daw San San Yi and other officials.

Next, Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung delivered a speech and then presented Luyechun batches, which was accepted by a pair (a boy and a girl) of Luyechun students on behalf of the rest of the Luyechuns.
Later, the chief minister, region ministers and former Luyechuns helped the Luyechun put on their batches and closed the ceremony after taking commemorative group photographs.
Commenting on the annual opening of the Bagan Luyechun vacation camp, Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung said, “This is the sixth time the camp has been opened. The first Myanmar nation was established in Bagan, and so this camp was set up here. By visiting the place where the first Myanmar nation was established, youngsters will learn to love and work for the benefit of the country.
These youngsters will become leaders of the future. As they have come from all over the country and are of diverse ethnic nationalities, a spirit of union, love for the country and the urge to develop the country will be instilled in them. As future leaders, they need to be well acquainted with one another. We have the responsibility to make a place for them.
They also have the responsibility to take a place and must have the will to serve and develop the country. My word to them is, we, the elders have created a place and brought them up to take it. May they be capable of developing the country.”
Later in the morning, the Luyechuns visited and paid homage to 10 famous pagodas, including Shwezigon, Ananda, Gawdawpalin, Dhammayangyi, Sulamani, Lawkananda, as well as the UNESCO World Heritage listed Myazedi stone inscriptions.
Talking about the visit, grade 9 Luyechun Ma Shin Min Thwe of eastern Shan State, Kentung Township, said, “I’m happy and honoured to participate in this visit as a Luyechun. I’ve been here with my family before but it is not the same. This time I’m here through my efforts. I believe that a Luyechun must have a noble mind. They need to be good to each other, and they need to try a lot more than the others.”
Governments have consistently raised the youth to become outstanding, and the Luyechun programme was started in 1964 by the Revolution Council government and conducted throughout the 24-year period until 1988.
The first generation Luyechun programme produced some 7,908 Luyechuns. Of these, some had and some are still serving the country in high ranking and high responsibility positions.

Zin Oo (Myanma Alin)
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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