The Ayeyawady Region Government has made
efforts to achieve all-round development in all socio-economic sectors. In
order to spur sustainable development, plans are under way to support and
encourage small and medium-sized enterprises, development of health and
education sectors, and conservation of the natural environment.
▄ Electricity ▄
The development of a certain region can
be determined by its physical and social infrastructure such as electricity,
roads and bridges, water supply, education, health, telecommunication, etc.
Among the fundamental facilities and systems,
power grids play an important role in implementation of tasks for ensuring
better living standards of the people.
The Ayeyawady Region Government had
replaced some 9,157 old wooden lamp-posts with new concrete ones. A total of
117 villages have already received electricity and extended some 239.575 miles
of power lines, utilising solar-powered systems in the 833 villages. Efforts
had been made to supply electricity to some 241,183 residents who live in the
rural area of the region. The authority tried to generate sufficient power
supply for the villages, including industrial zones and business centres.
The Ayeyawady Region Government has
implemented many programmes for electrification of the whole Ayeyawady Region,
using all forms of sources to supply electricity. Next, the installation of the
6-mile 10MVA power lines and 6-mile 33KV power lines had been installed.
▄ Education Sector ▄
Regarding the education sector,
altogether 981 schools big and small were upgraded with new school buildings in
order to meet the set standards and some 50 examination centres had been
extended in the region. The regional government has constructed 671 hostels, 50
examination centres, three universities, three Technological Universities,
three Computer Universities, and three Education Colleges.
The Ayeyawady Region Government arranged
to build five apartments including 80 rooms for civil servants in the region.
To be in line with the two objectives of
the healthcare sector—increasing life expectancy and reducing the occurrence of
diseases, health awareness training was given to rural people, while effective
prevention and treatment were provided throughout the nation.
With the aims of improving the health of
the local people, the regional government appointed 92 doctors, 219 nurses, 619
midwives and 410 public health supervisors in the region.
In order to undertake health activities
in an effective manner, the regional government arranged to build 63 healthcare
centres in the region. Also, housing units for patients’ wards and operating
rooms, 72 artesian wells, 79 lakes for drinking water supply, and 80 water
pumping machines were constructed for the welfare of the local people.
▄ Investment ▄
The Ayeyawady Region Government has
invited investment to create a micro electrical generation and grid system in
Ayeyawady region.
Moreover Myanmar Investment Commission
(MIC) has approved 17 investments including one LNG power station, three
offshore supply bases, and agriculture and production sectors in the Ayeyawady
▄ Agriculture ▄
The regional government is trying its
utmost to boost rice production in many ways. The Ayeyawady Region Government
have strived to uplift the socio-economic situation of residents with small
holdings, as well as farmers and breeders, according to the policy, law, rule
and work processes, and the residents and farmers are urged to cooperate by
conducting good practices.
In order to promote the socio-economic
development of the farmers, efforts have been made to purchase 1,707 tractors
via an instalment paying system, and training courses were also provided to the
farmers to help them operate the machineries. As a result, training and farmer
education works were also being conducted so that the farmers can overcome
climate change and produce crops, in accordance with the changing situation. It
is certain that the farming sector will develop only when the entire process of
planting, harvesting, processing, packaging and marketing and selling is
developed. With increasing demand from foreign trade partners, farmers are now
getting a decent price for rice cultivation.
▄ Preparation to fight against natural
disaster ▄
With the cooperation of the Ayeyawady
Region Government, the National Natural Disaster Management Committee was
formed, consisting of related ministries and natural disaster management
committees for the local people in the region.
Arrangements were made to support Ks1
billion for 62,624 houses including 238,193 people.
▄ Cyclone Shelters ▄
The regional government is planning to
build many multi-purpose shelters which will be used as cyclone shelters during
disasters. They will be used as schools, for social occasions and housing. The
location of the shelters, and their size and types, will be proportionate with
the population number.
The lower part of the shelter will be
used for animals and upper part is for people. Moreover, plans are under way to
store food, drinking water, buoyancy aids, water tanks, generators and fuel
tanks at the shelters in line with international criteria. Currently there are
55 cyclone shelters, with 17 shelters under construction. Thus there will be a
total of 72 cyclone shelters.
Arrangements have been made to provide
other necessary items for some 5,000 households and 500 other households in
other districts.
▄ Fishery Sector ▄
Fish farming is flourishing in the
region with 63,735 ponds on 123,550 acres. During its two years in office, the
regional government arranged for 74 villages to develop fishery sectors, which
are a part of the Emerald Project.
Development in the transport sector
coupled with irrigation dams and provision of farm equipment has served as a
springboard for growth in the agricultural sector, which is the base for
socio-economic progress.
Translated by Win Ko Ko Aung)
Ref; The Global New Light of
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