Monday, April 30, 2018

Second meeting for Rakhine State image promotion film

A meeting was held in the MRTV on Pyay Road in Yangon yesterday to discuss production of a film that depicts the beauty of Rakhine State and its people.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint said he wishes for the plot of the film to reveal the scenic beauty of Rakhine State, the sincerity and the socio-economic status of its people, promote Rakhine State’s image and display positivity of Myanmar as a whole.

This was followed by discussions on screenplay and the film production process by U Ye Naing Director-General of the Information and Public Relations Department, Patrons of Myanmar Motion Picture Organzation Bagyi Soe Moe and U Aung Lwin, Myanmar Motion Picture Organization Chairman U Zin Wine, Shwe Than Lwin Media Co. Ltd CEO U Zaw Thet Maung, Forever Group CEO U Win Maw, Mingalar Co. Ltd Chairman U Zaw Min, Directors Zinyaw Maung Maung, Maung Myo Min, Nyi Nyi Htun Lwin and Zaw Myint Oo, and Myanmar Music Association General Secretary U Zaw Htoo Aung.
The meeting discussed hosting of the competition for documentaries promoting Rakhine’s image and similar future events.

In the morning before the meeting, Dr. Pe Myint visited the MRTV Yegu Transmitter Site on Waizayandar Road in Mayangone Township. MRTV Deputy Director-General U Myo Myint Aung explained the daily operation of the site to the Union Minister and the Union Minsiter then instructed on natural disaster and fire prevention to be put into consideration for the site.

The Union Minsiter then inspected the construction of the transmitter, media related buildings and staff residences in the compound.

Myanmar News Agency
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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