Monday, April 30, 2018

Salaries of civil servants to increase from April 2018

The Union Government has decided to increase the salary of civil servants across government sectors during the cabinet meeting (7/2018) on 25 April.

The decision will take effect starting April 2018, as stated in the official announcement made by the Ministry of Planning and Finance yesterday.

The announcement stated the union government considers civil servants and the defence service personnel (Army, Navy and Air ) to play a crucial role in the development of the country, and thus, as part of the efforts to promote their livelihoods, the union government is making adjustments to their cost of living.

The announcement stated the annual pay raises will continue as before, while the changes to pensions, fixed salaries of department staff, daily wages, monthly support funds and payment for expertise will be announced at a later date.

The announcement said the regulation for salary range, pension and supplementary funds of the defence service personnel will be submitted to the Defence Council, under the Ministry of Defence. Foreign affairs civil servants carrying out their duties overseas will continue to receive pay as per the current salary range in their respective host country’s currency. Foreign affairs civil servants will receive the increased salary range once they complete duties overseas and return to Myanmar.

The salary increase for civil servants working in ministries and departments under the constitution is displayed below.

Myanmar News Agency (Unofficial Translation)

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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