The Ministry of Home
Affairs, Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Irrigation held a joint press conference on the three ministries’ performance
in second year in office at the Ministry of Information yesterday.
of Home Affairs
of Home Affairs Permanent Secretary U Tin Myint said the ministry is
implementing the objective of establishing a peaceful, modern and developed
nation according to 49 laws under which the ministry conduct its work and other
existing laws.
Police Force is practicing people-centre police system in cooperation with
relevant local populace and is working together with Interpol, Aseanapol,
Europol and International Police Association for cross border crime prevention.
are underway with neighboring countries to open 12 Border Liaison Offices (BLO)
and arrangement to open Myanmar-Bangladesh BLO in Maungtaw, Myanmar and Teknaf,
Bangladesh is made.
drug prevention and eradication, the15-year drug eradication plan was started
in 1999 and extended for another five years until 2019. Due to drug
substitution planting, reforestation and maintenance of forests, there was 25
per cent reduction in opium planted area in 2017.
Administrative Department collected four types of taxes and had collected Ks.
33,934.591 million in fiscal year 2016-2017 and had collected Ks 36,577.017
million in fiscal year 2017-2018 exceeding the targeted amount.
the two year period, 366 new local organizations were formed, the life term of
81 local organizations were extended , 30 new international organizations were
formed while life term of 42 international organizations were extended. One
Stop Shops (OSSs) were established and implemented in 306 townships in Nay Pyi
Taw and states/regions and provided a total of 2,919,549 services.
of Special Investigation investigated 95 business related cases from 1 April
2016 to 15 March 2018 and informed the Ministry of Planning and Finance to
collect tax on more than Ks 535443.2 million and US$ 18,566,945.
Correctional Department had constructed new prisons, expanded existing prisons
and had constructed water purifiers in 94 prisons spending Ks. 854.63 million.
Modern fire engines and search and rescue vehicles were added to the Fire
Services Department with loan from Poland for the department to conduct
effective and timely firefighting and search and rescue works.
Chief of Myanmar Police Force Aung Win Oo told of Myanmar Police Force setting
up the aims of providing internal security, peace and stability, rule of law,
prevention and eradicating narcotic drugs and conducting works that benefit the
district police office, eight area police stations, 14 police posts were
expanded and opened while five police posts were upgraded to area police
increase the security of the country’s western gate of Rakhine State border
areas, a border police command office and four border police forces were
expanded to three border police command offices and eight border police forces.
Two central level, 12 battalion commander level and one company level flag
meetings were held between Myanmar and Bangladesh.
prevent and deter the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,
regions and states level special operations were conducted eight times and
1,388 cases were opened against 1,957 suspects. In addition to cooperating with
relevant organizations in conducting works benefiting the people, preventing
and mitigating against natural disasters, relief, resettlement and
redevelopment works were conducted in a timely manner.
of Construction
Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin explained about the ministry’s
performance for the people in the second year. The Deputy Minister told of
National town network system, future towns and six regional development work
processes included in the ministry’s Conceptual Plan 2030.
Union Minister explained about the establishment of five north south express
roads, seven east west express roads, six main north south artery raods and 12
main east west artery roads by 2035 according to Arterial Road Network Master
Plan by 2035.
the two year period Department of Buildings had conducted building construction
works for Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social
Welfare, Relief and Resettlement. Construction Manuals required for
Construction Industry Development were drawn. Myanmar National Building Code
will be translated to Myanmar and distributed all over the country this year.
Starting from 1 April, Department of Building is transformed into a Regulatory
Body and will no longer construct buildings. It will only draw up regulations,
standards and specifications.
the two year period Department of Road had completed the
Putao-Nawngmun-Pannadin allowing a single day return trip. Similarly about 220
miles Myitkyina-Sumprabum-Putao road was completed allowing a single day return
trip while big vehicles can do the trip with a night-stop in Sumprabum.
than 90 per cent of roads in Kayah State were upgraded to asphalt roads. In
Kayin State, the Kawkareik-Myawady road was upgraded to asphalt concrete (AC)
road and the Eindu-Kawkareik road is also being upgraded with the assistance
from ADB. Similarly, the north south road linking the northern-most Cikha and
southern-most Paletwa in Chin State is aimed to be completed in five years and
upgrades of roads and bridges along the road is being conducted.
earth road connecting Matupi and Paletwa was constructed during the two year
period and the Haka-Gangaw 80 mile road section is also being upgraded with the
assistance of Japan’s JICA. The road linking Thantlang to Mizoram in India was
completed during the two year period and will be upgraded in the coming three
bridges, including Yathedaung Birdge on the approximately 94 miles
Sittway-Ponnagyun-Yathedaung-Buthidaung-Maungtaw was opened on 31 March this
year allowing Sittway to Maungtaw trip to be made in four hours. The earth road
on Yathedaung-Buthidaung road section will be upgraded to concrete asphalt
road. Minbu-An-Sittway road was developed during the two year period and Minbu
to Sittway trip can be done with ease in eleven hours.
addition to this, Yangon-Thandwe-Ngapali road was upgraded to shorten the
travel hour to nine hours during the two year period. Once this road is
upgraded again in the coming three years, the Yangon-Thandwe trip can be
conducted in seven hours.
during the two year period, the road connecting Shan State south and north was
widened to 18 ft and is upgraded into an asphalt road. Experts from China
Highway Construction Association of China, JICA of Japan and Korea are
inspecting the strength of 29 suspension bridges all over the country.
of Urban & Housing Development had completed drawing up urban planning for
33 cities in the country. In the housing sector, a million housings are planned
to be constructed by 2030 and during the two year period 10,924 housing rooms
of which 5,748 housing rooms were 100 per cent constructed while 5,176 housing
rooms were 70 per cent completed. During the coming three year period, a total
of more than 8,000 rooms will be constructed. Under the Private-Public
Partnership (PPP) system, the department is constructing more 4,000 rooms and
the companies are constructing 6,000 rooms totaling 10,000 rooms.
of Rural Department will construct all weather village roads for 80 per cent of
villages for 80 percent of the rural population by 2030.
of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation
Hla Tun, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
and Irrigation, said the ministry granted land use certificates for more than
24.8 million acres to farmers, reaching more than 91.99 per cent of the target
of the ministry in the second year in office. In the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year,
more than 17 million acres were put under paddy in summer and rainy seasons and
more than 1,300 million baskets of rice were produced.
to February, 2018 of the 2017-2018 Fiscal year, paddy were grown on more than
17 million acres in both rainy and summer seasons and more than 1,100 million
baskets of rice were produced.
the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year, more than 3 million of matric tons of rice were
exported up to March, 2018. It shows that the export volume of rice in
2017-2018 Fiscal Year has doubled than that of 2016-2017 Fiscal Year.
of the significant achievements of the ministry set K500,000 for one hundred
baskets of paddy as the basic index for the price of rice. The Ministry also
formed 96 cooperative societies with 1896 people who are carrying out private
farming services. Besides, the ministry sold 15,306 power tillers and 363
tractors to the farmers in the second one-year period of the government.
ministry’s agricultural research department discovered 25 news species of rice.
the fishery sector, the ministry’s 27 hatcheries produced more than 1.2 billion
fingerlings in the second one-year period.
fishery sector earned more than US$711 million from fish export to more than 40
countries in the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year. The ministry is carrying out the
National Residue Monitoring Plan to export fish and prawn to EU countries.
The Global New Light of Myanmar
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