United Nations Security Council heard a briefing on its members’ recent visits
to Bangladesh from 28 to 30 April 2018 and to Myanmar from 30 April to 1 May at
the United Nations Security Council Chamber on 14 May 2018 at 03:00 p.m. The
briefing was presided over by Permanent Representative of Poland, the current
President of the Security Council. At the meeting, Permanent Representatives of
Kuwait, Peru and U.K, co-organizers of the visit, briefed the Council on the
visits. Following the briefing, other Security Council members, China, U.S.,
Sweden, France, Kazakhstan, Equatorial Guinea, Russia Federation, Netherlands
and Poland participated in the consultations on the issue.
accordance with the article 37 of the rules of procedures of the Security
Council, concerned parties, Myanmar and Bangladesh, were also invited to
discuss at the briefing.
the briefing, Ambassador U Hau Do Suan, Permanent Representative of Myanmar,
made a statement and explained about Myanmar’s views and position on the
Rakhine issue. The full text of his statement is as follows:
government welcomed the visit of members of the Security Council to Myanmar
with the hope that the visit would help them to better understand the situation
on the ground, so that we can further strengthen our cooperation with the
United Nations in our efforts for the safe, dignified and voluntary return of
the displaced persons. We believe that we shall be able to overcome the serious
challenges we are facing today by working in partnership with the United
Nations. We trust in constructive engagement and cooperation based on the
principles of objectivity, mutual respect and understanding.
also hope that the visit will give a strong impetus to our bilateral efforts
with Bangladesh for the implementation of the repatriation process. We had
facilitated the Security Council’s visit at fullest extent as possible within
the available time frame of the Council. The State Counsellor remarked the
visit an important turning point. She reaffirmed Myanmar Government’s
commitment to bring peace, stability and development to Rakhine State.
resolving current issues relating to the Rakhine State, we all agree that the
most urgent task right now is to start repatriation of the displaced persons in
accordance with the bilateral agreements. We have repeatedly stated that we
want to start the repatriation process as soon as possible as we are ready to
receive the returnees.
on 8 May, Bangladesh Ambassador to Myanmar Mr. Manjurul Karim Khan Chowdhury
was summoned to Nay Pyi Taw and reminded of Myanmar’s readiness to commence
repatriation of verified displaced persons before the monsoon as agreed by the
two governments. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs once again urged Bangladesh to
implement the bilateral agreement and repatriate those already verified so that
they can return to their villages in Rakhine. The Ambassador was also reminded
to send the lists of displaced persons using the right forms as agreed in the
Physical Arrangement for repatriation. The forms used by Bangladesh were not
the ones prescribed in the Physical Arrangement. They did not contain
signatures, fingerprints and proper photographs necessary for proper
verification and assurance of their consent. We had already requested the
Bangladesh sides on three separate occasions through diplomatic channels to
forward duly-filled prescribed forms that would enable displaced persons to be
repatriated under the principle of voluntary, safe and dignified return.
to the UNSC visit to Myanmar, the Union Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement of Myanmar had visited Cox’s Bazaar refugee camps and met with the
displaced persons. He explained to them resettlement program for the returnees
and information on the repatriation process. To our surprise, they are not
aware of anything about the repatriation process. Apparently, they were not
notified by the Bangladesh authorities on the current bilateral arrangements
nor were provided any forms to be filled in for necessary repatriation process.
During the visit, the Minister could not meet the persons that we have verified
for repatriation despite our request for arrangement of the meeting.
we are trying to solve the issues in good faith through
bilateral cooperation, it is most regrettable that instead of fulfilling its
commitment for repatriation of the displaced persons as agreed upon in the
bilateral agreements, the Bangladesh side has been deliberately making excuses
one after another to stall the repatriation process. Bangladesh has been
distorting the facts and telling the whole world that Myanmar is not willing to
accept the return of the displaced persons. Bangladesh is altering the truth
and vilifying the Government and people of Myanmar to solicit international
condemnation and to exert maximum political pressures on Myanmar. We need full
and sincere cooperation of the Government of Bangladesh if the repatriation
process is to be successful.
me to refer to the remarks made by the distinguished Permanent Representative
of Kuwait on the illegal occupation on both sides of the international border.
habitation and building of any structure within 150 feet from international
border line is prohibited by bilateral border agreement. Therefore we have
filed our objection to Bangladesh side on construction of bunkers and some
houses on their side of the border, in the restricted area.
have also found out that Bangladesh has been helping illegal occupants on
Myanmar side of the international border line in building shelters, which is a
blatant violation of Myanmar’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. This
action must stop immediately.
me to turn to the matter of accountability. The Government of Myanmar has
stated time and again that no violation of human rights will be condoned.
Allegations supported by evidence will be investigated and action taken in
accordance with the law. You may recall, Madam President, that during your
meeting with the State Counsellor, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, she condemned violence
and reassured you of our readiness to take actions on the alleged human rights
violations in Rakhine, if necessary information is provided. She reiterated
security assurance would be given to anybody who wishes to bring up the case of
rights violation at the court in Myanmar.
the Commander-in-Chief had also told the members of the Council that the Tatmadaw
would welcome any alleged survivor of sexual violence who could bring hard
evidence of the crime committed so that the perpetrators can be held
it comes to human rights abuses and violations, we should not forget the
fact that the current humanitarian problem was the result of ARSA terrorist
attacks on 30 Border Guard posts in Northern Rakhine. The root cause of the
latest crisis and the brutal killings and atrocity committed by the terrorists
on innocent ethnic Hindu, Rakhine Budhists and other minority tribes had been
ignored by the western media. The truth has been suppressed by the incessant
sensational argument of Muslim victimhood narratives. Only balanced and
constructive approach will lead us to the right solution of the extremely
complex and politically most sensitive problem of Rakhine State.
UNSC visit to Maungtaw, on 1 May, about 20 Rakhine, Mro, Maramagyi and Hindus
waited for the Council members at the Township Administrative Office to get the
opportunity to testify their stories of ARSA terrorist atrocities. Due to
limited time, only a Rakhine woman and a Hindu woman were able to talk about human
rights abuse and atrocities perpetrated by ARSA terrorists. Sadly, many tragic
stories of the ethnic people in Rakhine have fallen on the deaf ears of some
who wanted to listen to only one side of the story of their choice.
people witnessed the atrocities committed by ARSA terrorists, among others, the
killing of 7 Mro ethnic people in Kone Tine village of Maungtaw township on 28
August, 2017 and the subsequent torching of 2,625 houses in the area. They also
testified the horrific discovery of a mass grave found in the north west of Ye
Baw Kya village on 28 September 2017 where 45 bodies of Hindus were discovered
among 100 kidnapped by ARSA.
ethnic people in Maungtaw area are traumatized by the brutal acts of
terrorists. They all felt insecure as minority groups in their own land by the
fear instilled in their life by the ARSA.
must also be held accountable for atrocities committed against civilian
population in Rakhine. Investigation of violations must include cases of
terrorist atrocities as well. We are seriously concerned that Bangladesh is
unwittingly allowing extremists to rear its ugly head in this part of the
region. ARSA is already having a foothold in the camps, and soon it will become
a strong hold of terrorism and extremism. Recently, on May 9, a group of 4 to 6
terrorists entered into one of the refugee camps in Balukali and dragged a 46
years old Mohamed Faisal Ulhaq out of the camp and stabbed him to death. It was
reported that he was advocating for return of IDPs to Rakhine among fellow
displaced people in the camp.
have made every effort to prepare the environment conducive for the return of
displaced people. Convincing that engagement of UN agencies in Rakhine will
strengthen our ability to ensure safe, dignified and voluntary repatriation, we
are in the process of active discussions for the MOU with the UNDP and UNHCR.
These agencies will be working alongside Myanmar ministries concerned and the
Union Enterprise for Humanitarian Assistance, Resettlement and Development for
the good of all communities in Rakhine.
the same time, we shall also be dealing with the root causes of the recent
violence. The recommendations of the Annan Commission set out practical
measures necessary to achieve development for all communities in Rakhine. There
88 recommendations of Mr. Annan Commission and 48 recommendations of National
level Investigation Commission. Many of those recommendations are overlapped.
57 recommendations will be fulfilled soon while 31 recommendations are still
processing. The first report of the Implementation Committee was launched in
Feb 2018 and the second report will come out in May 2018.
the submission of the Mr. Annan final report, 3 IDP camps have been relocated.
Another 4 camps will also be closed very soon.
regard to the issuance of National Verification Card, false information has
been spreading around to discourage people from complying with the requirement.
In fact, the NVC is the first step for citizenship verification. NVC holders
who met necessary requirements in accordance with existing law will become
Myanmar citizens. Everyone residing in Myanmar has to go through the same
process of verification.
will continue to implement the recommendations of the Annan Report at the
fullest extent possible in line with situation on the ground to bring long-term
peace, harmony and development to the people of Rakhine.
international community, including the United Nations, should work together to
create an environment conducive to restoring peace, harmony and development for
all people in Rakhine State. Hate narratives that promote deep rooted mistrust
must stop. The present hostile attitude towards Myanmar will not contribute to
building peace and harmony in the country. We have just heard a few remarks of
very hostile and hateful sentiments toward my country. That is quite
treatment and one-sided support would only lead to further polarization and
escalation of tension between different communities in the region.
must cooperate fully with Myanmar in sincerity in the implementation of
bilateral agreement for repatriation of displaced persons. We are confident
that we will be able to solve the present humanitarian problem and long-term
peace and development of Rakhine State if Myanmar and Bangladesh work hand in
hand with the spirit of mutual respect, genuine desire to help the displaced
persons and the spirit of good neighborliness.
this connection, the Joint Working Group for repatriation of the displaced
person will meet in Dhaka on 17 May 2018 to expedite implementation of the
agreed repatriation process.
expresses its appreciation to members of the Council who have been extending
their support to Myanmar at this challenging time of transition to democracy.
We also thank our four neighbours for accepting our invitation to travel to
Myanmar with the Council members. We believe that mutual understanding and constructive
cooperation will ultimately bring about positive result that we all aspire to.
Notwithstanding all the daunting challenges we are facing, the Government of
Myanmar will spare no effort to bring peace, harmony and development to all
people in Rakhine State, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
News Agency
The Global New Light of Myanmar
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