second Pyithu Hluttaw’s eighth regular session held its second-day meeting at
the Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday where U Tin Htway of Waw constituency
tabled a motion urging the relevant union level organizations to draw up and
enact related rules in a timely manner for enacted laws and Pyithu Hluttaw
Speaker U T Khun Myat announced the Hluttaw’s decision to discuss the motion.
the meeting, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced the Hluttaw’s
approval and appointment of U Khin Maung Win of Lanmadaw constituency as
chairman of the Pyithu Hluttaw Bill Committee, U Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo of Hline
constituency as secretary of the Pyithu Hluttaw Investment and Industrial
Development Committee, and U Aung Tin Lin of Natmauk constituency and U Hla
Than of Kawa constituency as chairman and secretary of the Pyithu Hluttaw
Judicial and Legal Affairs Committee.
the Hluttaw put on record that U Thet Naung of Lahe constituency had attended
an international relations, administration and public cooperation course in
Switzerland from 7 to 19 April 2018, U Naing Htoo Aung of Natogyi constituency
attended the Dialogue on Parliamentarians Supporting the Quiet Revolution for
Better Regulatory Governance in Indonesia from 19 to 20 April 2018, Dr. Min
Thein of YeU constituency attended the International Conference on Improving
the Foreign Policy Decision Making Process: The Case of Mongolia from 25 to 26
April 2018 in Mongolia, U Zarni Min of Shwegu constituency attended the
Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons in Indonesia from 7 to 8
May 2018 and Dr. U Aye Min of Kayan constituency attended the Parliamentarian
Workshop on Inter national Trade 2018 in Singapore from 7 to 9 May 2018.
Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin answered the questions asked by the
Hluttaw representatives.
to a question by Daw Yin Min Hlaing of Gangaw constituency on translating and
distributing to construction businesses the Myanmar National Building Code
(MNBC), as well as designating, drawing up and enforcing the processes,
procedures, rules and regulations that is vital for implementing a third-party
system for bridge and construction work, the deputy minister said that with the
support of related ministries and state/region governments, the ministry had
cooperated with the UN Habitat and Myanmar Engineering Society to draw the MNBC
in 2011, which was completed in October 2012. Further, the MNBC (draft) book
was distributed to relevant union ministries, departments, Nay Pyi Taw Council,
state/region governments, Myanmar Architect Council, Myanmar Engineering
Council, development committees, architect and engineering related
organisations, experts on the subject, Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs
Association and private construction companies in 2015 for comments and
suggestions. The suggestions and remarks were sent to the Myanmar Engineering Society
for assessing and editing, and the MNBC-2016 was completed in March 2016.
approve and publish the MNBC-2016, it was translated to Myanmar. The
translation work is 70 per cent complete, as 800 pages of the 1,148 were
completed. The Myanmar Engineering Society is reviewing the translated parts.
Once the review work is completed, it will be sent to the Attorney General’s
office for comments and approval. After that, it will be submitted to the
Economic Affairs Committee and the union government meeting, according to the
receiving approval from the union government meeting, the MNBC will be
distributed to private construction businesses. Meanwhile the work procedures,
rules and regulations required to implement the third-party system is being
drawn up, said the deputy minister.
the question raised by U Naing Naing Win of Tamu constituency on the plan to
eliminate the fixing of floor price in construction tenders and material
purchase tenders announced by the union and state/region government
departments, the deputy minister said the material purchase tender and
construction tender comprised two parts. The floor price is not set for the
material purchase tender. The tender winner is selected from the lowest bidder
who can provide materials that is up to the set standard and specifications.
the construction tender, the bidders are assessed through a two-envelope
system. The technical proposal envelopes are first assessed to check if it
meets the set standards and specification. Those who pass the technical
proposal stage will then submit their prices, and the lowest bidding price is
selected as the tender winning company, said the deputy minister.
the question and answer session, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced
that the Hluttaw had agreed to put on record the motion submitted by U Than Soe
of Thazi constituency on sympathising and sharing in the sorrow of the families
of 14 civilians, one police personnel and four militia who were killed and 72
others who were wounded when KIA and TNLA armed groups attacked the security
gate and houses in Muse Township on 12 May 2018.
Myint Oo of Thanatpin constituency then read and submitted the Myanmar
Traditional Medicine Council Bill. Bill committee member U Nay Myo Tun read the
committee report on the bill and Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat requested
the Hluttaw representatives who wanted to discuss the bill to enrol their
third-day meeting of the second Pyithu Hluttaw’s eighth regular session will be
continued on 16 May.
Aye Aye Thant
News Agency)
The Global New Light of Myanmar
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