Thursday, August 31, 2017

2nd Pyithu Hluttaw 5th Regular Session holds its 53rd day meeting

 August 30, 2017
The agreement that allows the Ministry of Education to lease premises owned by the Yangon Yacht Club on Inya Road was one of the issues discussed yesterday’’s meeting of the Pyithu Hluttaw in Nay Pyi Taw.

The Union Minister for Education, Dr Myo Thein Gyi, replied to the question raised by U Maung Maung Oo of Insein constituency, Yangon Region as to whether there is any plan to withdraw the lease of the premises owned by the Yacht Club.
“The University Sailing Club’s premises continue to be contracted for a lease of hiring the premises for five more years from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2021 under the approval of the management committee meeting of the Ministry of Education, held on 24th February 2015. It was found that payment for hiring the premises for one year (FY 2016-2017) had been deposited as the national revenue. The Ministry of Education scrutinised the lease contract in the tenure of the incumbent government, finding the clause in the contract that the premises must be handed over to the Ministry of Education within 30 days by the lease-holder, provided that it was demanded by the owner for an essential need, if ever. Hence, for students to use the premises owned by University Sailing Club with a view to upgrading sports, consultations were made on 3rd July 2017 with the Ministry of Construction to be empowered to the Ministry as “the authority to expel from the government-owned building, 1955” for the acquisition of right to transfer.
As the authority was granted under the notification dated on 7th July 2017, a notice was sent to the lease holder to return the premise.
In this case, the process is to be carried out under the authority to expel from the building, so the case is under way by negotiating with Yangon Region Cabinet.”
The Ministry of Education revoked leases of the premises of the Yacht Club in order for the university students to be able to learn, practise and enjoy sailing.
Dr. Tun Naing, Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy, replied to a question raised by Daw Khin Than Nu of Mindon constituency, Magway Region on a new building for the township’s power and electricity office.
“The office of Mindon township electricity and power was opened at the old building roofed and walled by corrugated iron sheets, so it was targeted to be constructed as the reinforced concrete building measuring 36 feet in length and 24 feet in width in the FY 2017-2018. But the construction of gridlines and transformers in extension was prioritised. So it could not be included in the final budget allotment to build the new building to completion”, Dr. Tun Naing said.
Afterward, Dr. Myo Thein Gyi, Union Minister for Education, replied to a question raised by U Zar Ni Min of Shwegu constituency, in Kachin State about new buildings for the university in Bhamo Township.
“The contract to build one two-storey reinforced concrete 100-bed hostel building, two dining buildings and one entrance way to the university, for the University of Technology in Bhamo Township in Kachin State, was commissioned with the budget allotment Ks572 million in the FY 2017-2018, to the Ministry of Construction”, Dr. Myo Thein Gyi said.
Thura U Aung Ko, Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture, Dr Myo Thein Gyi, Union Minister for Education and Dr Tun Naing, Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy replied to the questions raised by U Tin Hla of Danubyu constituency, U Htay Lwin (a) U D Lone of Namhsam constituency, U Tun Wai of Phaungpyin constituency, U Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo of Hlaing constituency and Daw San San Ei of Mohnyin constituency.
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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