Thursday, August 31, 2017

2nd Pyidaungsu Hluttaw 5th Regular Session holds its 20th day meeting

August 30, 2017
At 20th day meeting of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw held at 1:30 pm yesterday in Nay Pyi Taw, parliamentarians discussed the reports on findings and conclusion notes of Public Account Combined Committee.

Regarding the annual report 10/2017—finding and conclusion notes of Public Account Combined Committee, U Khin Cho of Hlaingbwe constituency, Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin constituency, U Zone Hle Htan of constituency 4 in Chin State, U Khin Maung Thi of Loilem constituency, Dr Aung Khin of Pyin Oo Lwin consituency, U Yan Lin of Kyaiklat constituency, U Tin Tun Naing of Seikkyi-Khanaungto constituency and Daw Khin San Hlaing of Pale constituency discussed respectively.
Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin constituency discussed, “Restriction over India’s import of Myanmar’s pulses may lead to lifting the national trade deficit and devaluation of Myanmar currency. Simultaneously, it may raise inflammation rate and harm national economy. So, if unnecessary problems arise in exporting crops including rice, suitable ways and means should be sought for not harming benefits of farmers and foreign trade sector. Prior to exporting, the State should purchase these produces at suitable prices by adjusting with international prices. In purchasing as well, hardship for storage should be solved by negotiating with local merchants. For acquisition of better prices for crops and for extending export markets, crops should be stored and refined in modernized machines and better techniques so that our country can overcome pressures from other countries.”
U Khin Maung Thi of Loilem constituency discussed, “The report described that economic development in the agricultural sector for FY 2016-2017 was 0.4 percent, with that in industry sector 8.9 per cent and servicing gaining 8 per cent respectively. As for the average inflation rate, it reached 7 per cent. If it rises, it can cause commodity prices to soar up. So inflation rate should be reduced. So as to be able to export agricultural produces and not to lose export markets, government to government negotiation should be done between the countries. It should be done so as not to happen restriction of pulse exports and closure of bank accounts.”
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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