Friday, June 2, 2017

Environmental Conservation Committee holds third coordination meeting

June 1, 2017
Vice President U Myint Swe addressed the 3rd coordination meeting of the Central Committee for National Level Environmental Conservation yesterday at the Forest Department of the Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Ministry in Nay Pyi Taw, stressing the importance of a coordinated, nationwide effort to maintain the environment.

“So as not to cause evil effects on the natural and social environment due to factories, mills and resource-based projects, necessary working groups are needed to be formed under the leadership of supervision committees at regional and state levels, with scrutinizing work on the ground needed to be carried out in accord with the laws, bylaws, rules and regulations” the Vice President said.

The Vice-President said the efforts must include on-site oversight and enforcement.

“Conservation of the natural environment and climate change must be done practically on the ground. In carrying out the tasks of industrial development, we must work hard in unity and with full conscientiousness and special care needs to be given so as to leave a better and sustainable natural environment for our future generations. In our accomplishments, the tasks of sharing knowledge are required in the long run so that respective departments, organizations, NGOs, civil societies, private entrepreneurs and the whole populace will participate.”

The strategies and processes for maintaining the environment include reducing climate change and adapting to severe weather, the Vice-President said.

Afterwards, U Ohn Win, the Union Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and Chairman of the central committee, clarified matters on national-level environmental conservation and climate change, followed by explanations in respective sectors from responsible officials.

Then, U Hla Maung Thein, Director-General of the Environmental Conservation Department and secretary of the central committee, detailed the accomplishments of the central committee and upcoming programmes.

Representatives of NGOs, civil societies and private economic organizations then made remarks. Chairmen of supervision committees from Nay Pyi Taw Council, Regions and States and responsible officials also spoke.

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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