Thursday, January 12, 2017

Foreign Heads of State send felicitations to President U Htin Kyaw

January 11, 2017
The following are messages of felicitations from Foreign Heads of State / Government sent to President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Htin Kyaw, on the occasion of the 69th Anniversary Independence Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on 4 January.

From H.E. Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa-Thani,
Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the State of Qatar
It please me, on the occasion of the Anniversary of your country’s Independence Day, to extend to you my sincere greetings and felicitations coupled with my best wishes of well-being to your Excellency and further development and progress to the people of Myanmar.
From H.E. Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani,
Amir of the State of Qatar
Your Excellency,
It gives me pleasure, on the Anniversary of your country’s Independence Day, to extend to your Excellency and, through you, to the people of Myanmar on behalf of the people of the State of Qatar and my own behalf, our warm greetings and felicitations coupled with our best wishes of good health and well-being to your Excellency and further development and progress to your people.
From H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika,
President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
La célébration de la fête nationale de votre pays m’offre I’agréable occasion de vous présenter, au nom du peuple et du governement algérìens et en mon nom personnel, nos chaleureuses félicitations accompagnées de mes voèux sinceres de santé et de succès pour votre Excellence, de progrès et de prospérité pour le peuple de Myanmar.
Je saisis cette heureuse opportunité pour vous reitérer mon plein engagement à oeuvrer, avec vous, au renforcement des liens d’amitié et de cooperation existant entre nos deux pays amis.
Je vous prie d’agréer, Excellence, I’expression de ma haute considération.
From H.E. Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Thani,
Deputy Amir of the State of Qatar
On the occasion of the Anniversary of your country’s Independence Day, I want to express to you my cordial greetings and congratulations coupled with my best wishes for your Excellency’s well-being and further progress and prosperity of the people of Myanmar.

Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar

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