Wednesday, October 2, 2024

SAC Member inspects 2024 Nationwide Census Collection in Pathein


State Administration Council member Mahn Nyein Maung visited Pathein and Kangyidaunt townships yesterday afternoon to oversee the ongoing 2024 population and household census activities, accompanied by the Chief Minister of the Region and other government officials.

The team first observed the census-collecting process in Ward 2 of Pathein, encouraging accurate data collection and urging citizens to respond to inquiries thoroughly and accurately. Additionally, the SAC member and team visited Anouksugyi Village in Kangyidaunt Township to support the census activities and emphasized the importance of completing the process within the designated timeframe.

In Ayeyawady Region, the 2024 population and housing census is being conducted across 26 townships, 302 wards, and 1,920 village-tracts, covering a total of 14,296 household enumeration areas. A total of 1,022 enumeration teams, 1,150 supervisors, and 4,328 enumerators are involved in the process, alongside supporting groups, including ethnic literature and cultural associations, 426 ethnic language teachers, and 49 university faculty and students, as well as community leaders, household heads, and fire brigade members.



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