Friday, May 24, 2024

National committee on resettlement and camp closure holds coordination meeting 1/2024


THE Ministry of Border Affairs held the coordination meeting 1/2024 of the National Committee on Resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons and Closure of IDP Camps yesterday in Nay Pyi Taw.

Attendees included National Committee Chairman Union Border Affairs Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Vice-Chairman Dr Soe Win, Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief, and Resettlement, deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, directors-general, and officials. Relevant regional and state ministers also joined via Zoom.

The chairman highlighted the committee’s progress in resettling IDPs and closing temporary camps, urging detailed discussion on completed work and future programmes. He emphasized the need for coordinated efforts with state governments and ministries, financial support for displaced persons, and overcoming challenges posed by terrorist disruptions.

International negotiations are underway for humanitarian assistance, ensuring that aid reaches only eligible recipients. Within five months, 4,788 households (18,468 people) were resettled, and 69 temporary shelters were closed, with K4,790.588 million in aid provided.

Vice-Chairman Dr Soe Win reported on relief efforts, vocational courses, and support for returnees. Regional and state ministers presented their sector-wise progress and plans. The meeting concluded with discussions and coordination by the national committee members.



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