Saturday, May 25, 2024

Every village in Magway Region to plant twoacre forest to combat rising temperatures


Magway Region can successfully carry out agricultural tasks using water resources from the Ayeyawady River, said Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.


Yesterday afternoon, Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met the Magway Region government and district-level departmental officials at the city hall in Magway.

With regard to the greening process, the Senior General noted that as some townships of Magway Region were involved on the chart of the world’s hottest cities, all villages have to grow at least two acres of trees to reduce temperature and improve climatic conditions.

He underscored that temperature shelters can be built to accommodate older persons and those with weak health in the period of severe climatic conditions.

Moreover, the Senior General pointed out that it is necessary to systematically utilize the Ayeyawady River to operate river water pumping projects with solar energy.

He stressed the need to develop cotton-based industries and textile industries, encouraging the cultivation of cotton plantations. Oil crops must be grown to meet the target sown acreage in Magway Region to earn income from the oil crops, he added.

He underlined that if residents can develop agriculture and livestock-based industries, such efforts can contribute to the development of the region and the State. To do so, it is necessary to encourage the education sector to turn out well-versed human resources.

The Senior General emphasized that only when the country has an increasing number of educated citizens will regions have development. If not, lesser knowledge of people can harm the peace and stability of the region and development process, he noted.

In the public security sector, the Senior General said as the People’s Military Service Law has come into force, a proper number of people from the designated age limit have to seek military service during the set period. Departmental officials have to disseminate factual information to the people so as not to follow fake news, misinformation, and rootless reviews about the people’s military service, he added.

At the meeting, Magway Region Chief Minister U Tint Lwin reported on the progress of agriculture and livestock breeding tasks, the learning of students, healthcare services for retired service personnel, and the development of the region. Departmental officials also presented agricultural measures, land utilization, cultivation of crops, and establishment of forests to green the environment.

Union ministers U Min Naung and U Khin Maung Yi discussed undertaking greening tasks across the nation and setting special zones for forest plantations.

The meeting was also attended by SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Council member Lt-Gen Nyo Saw, union ministers, senior military officers and officials.

The Senior General presented K280 million for the development of libraries in Magway Region and 5,500 copies of books to the regional chief minister.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, inspected the progress made in the construction of the Sasana Beikman in Minbu. Director of Military Engineers Maj-Gen Zaw Naing Oo reported on matters related to the Sasana Beikman. The Senior General gave the necessary guidance.

The Senior General, wife, and party paid homage to Shinpin Sekkeinte Pagoda in Minbu and Myathalun Pagoda in Magway and donated cash to the pagoda’s funds.

The Senior General asked about preparations to gild Myathalun Pagoda for the seventh time.



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