Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Fake news claims 15 MDY youths recruited under overnight guest inspection


The subversive news media RFA intentionally circulates fake news that at least 15 youths were arrested by the security forces in Aungpinle Ward, Chanmyathazi Township in Mandalay, on 25 February under overnight guest list inspection. It was found to be false news as no security forces conducted an overnight guest list inspection on 25 February, and no youth was arrested, a relevant officer confirmed. In addition, there is no such incident of exchanging money with the detainees.

Likewise, Khit Thit publishes false news that Tatmadaw is encouraging university students to serve in the military and forcing the outstanding students who received stipends from the government to serve military duty.

With regard to fake news, stateowned media publishes accurate news and announcements from time to time. However, malicious news outlets are intentionally spreading rumours and fake news to flame the fear among the public regarding the People’s Military Service Law.



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