Thursday, January 4, 2024

Misinformation: People killed, wounded due to Tatmadaw firing on Kawlin, Kyauktaw


The Tatmadaw battalion based in Wuntho, fired at Kawlin, Sagaing Region six times with heavy weapons at around 8:00 am on 2 January and exploded near the crowded East Market in downtown Kawlin, killing six residents and injuring seven, according to malicious media Myanmar Now.

Tatmadaw did not fire heavy weapons into the town of Kawlin on 2 January, and on the morning of that day, terrorist groups fired heavy weapons at the military column that was on security duty, and some of the shells exploded in the town, where the public live, according to an official.

Similarly, malicious news media such as Khit Thit and Mizzima spread false information on social networking sites, saying that two civilians, including one 3-year-old child, were killed and five were wounded due to two drone bombings by the military on Myauktaung Village on 2 January.

Regarding the news, according to a security official from the relevant area, Myauktaung Village was not bombed by a military drone or fired with heavy weapons. AA armed insurgents attacked the villages with heavy weapons and drones to destroy the administration and create a lack of peace and stability in Rakhine State.

Malicious news media are defending the actions of terrorists blaming their actions on Tatmadaw, and deliberately fabricating and spreading false information to discredit the military.



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