Sunday, December 24, 2023

SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win attends Christmas Day thanksgiving ceremony

Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win joined the Christmas Day thanksgiving ceremony jointly organized by the Myanmar Council of Churches, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Myanmar Evangelical Christian Alliance, and the Chairman of Myanmar Christianity Propagation Alliance at Holy Cathedral Church at the corner of Bogyoke Aung San and Bo Aung Kyaw streets in Botahtaung Township yesterday evening.

Cardinal Charles Bo of the Archdiocese of Yangon and the archbishops welcomed the Vice-Senior General.

The ceremony took place at St Mary’s Cathedral, where Archbishop U Myat Hsan prayed and Auxiliary Bishop of Yangon Noel Saw Naw Aye extended greetings.
On the occasion, the Vice-Senior General said people of all faiths have been enjoying the rights of religions under the rules and regulations of successive eras of Myanmar governments. Moreover, he explained all religions in the country are recognized in line with Section 354 (d) and Section 362 of the Constitution as part of clearly showing the rights of religions under the law. He also discussed matters related to Jesus Christ mentioned in the treatises.

The Vice-Senior General continued that the archbishops and different levels of reverends and nuns are requested to pray for peace in the world. Loving-kindness is mighty in all religions over everything. All bishops and reverends, including all people in Christianity, have to disperse loving-kindness to forge peace and organize people in other religions to follow the principle of restoring peace.
Rev D U Aye Min read the Bible, Archbishop Steven Than Myint Oo performed a special prayer, and CBCM nun Sister Mai Doreen read the Bible.

Archbishop Cardinal Charles Bo prayed that all Myanmar people may enjoy genuine physical and mental peace and that the country be peaceful and prosperous.
Archbishop Cardinal Charles Bo and Archbishop Steven Than Myint Oo presented a commemorative Christmas gift to Vice-Senior General Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, who returned a fruit basket and products of Tatmadaw.

Archbishop U Myat Hsan and Auxiliary Bishop of Yangon Noel Saw Naw Aye exchanged commemorative gifts with SAC member Admiral Tin Aung San and his wife. Archbishop Cardinal Charles Bo blessed the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Then, the Vice-Senior General and party had a Christmas dinner with Christian religious officials.

Also present at the ceremony were Union ministers and their wives, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, the commander of Yangon Command and wife, reverends and nuns, officials and guests.



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