Sunday, July 9, 2023

Rakhine State CM inspects recovery efforts in Sittway

RAKHINE State Chief Minister U Htein Lin who is also Chairman of the Rakhine State Natural Disaster Management Committee accompanied by deputy ministers, state ministers and other officials viewed a collective cleaning in Sittway Township. They also observed rehabilitation and prevention activities for dengue fever.

First, the chief minister and his team visited Wingaba square in Sittway City, where they observed the joint cleaning operating alongside police officers and residents. The executive officer of the township municipality demonstrated the removal of garbage cans, improvement of the garbage tank area and water outlets and explained the clearing and excavation of the city’s drain.

Afterwards, the chief minister and his team distributed garbage bags to facilitate proper waste disposal among the neighbourhood residents. Additionally, the employees of the Department of Public Health visited social organizations and collaborated with ward administrators to monitor and encourage activities aimed at dengue fever prevention and control.

Next, the chief minister and his team visited the staff of the department in Ywagyi South ward and Ywagyi North ward and inspected the ongoing collective cleaning conducted by the police officers.

They also inspected the digging of drainage ditches, and the clear-up of undergrowth and coordinated with officials.

During the collective cleaning, municipal organizations are using garbage trucks to collect the garbage and dispose of it in designated areas.


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