Friday, June 9, 2023

Union Ministers attend awarding ceremony of victorious athletes in 32nd SEA Games, oversee rehabilitation work in Rakhine State


THE awarding ceremony of victorious athletes who grabbed medals in the 32nd SEA Games was held at the Rakhine State government office yesterday.

During the event, Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Union Minister U Myo Thant, Union Minister Dr Thet Thet Khine, and Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin presented cash awards and certificates of honour to the athletes who won silver and bronze medals.

Then, the members of Myanmar Sepak Takraw and coaches donated K2 million to Mocha victims and the Rakhine State chief minister received the cash donation.

Then, the team led by Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung attended the coordination meeting on relief and rehabilitation processes together with members of the Rakhine State disaster management committee and Tatmadaw senior officers.

During the meeting, Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung highlighted the intention of the meeting to approve the number of losses and inventory lists of Mocha-hit townships, timely distribution of relief items by sea routes or air, systematic distribution to the people who really need the items in prioritized groups and completed work procedures and ongoing work plans for rescue and rehabilitation processes.

Then, the military senior officers who are closely supervising the rehabilitation processes in Buthidaung, Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, MraukU, Thandwe, Pauktaw, Manaung, Yanbye, Ponnagyun, Minbya, Myebon, Maungtaw and Sittway townships explained the current work plans and deputy ministers and officials of respective committees coordinated the discussion.

The Rakhine State chief minister also reported on the effective use of allotted funds, separate inventory of affected MSMEs and distribution of relief and rehabilitation materials.

Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung made proper instructions and concluded the meeting.

He also attended the regular coordination meeting held at the Rakhine State government office in the evening and gave certain directives.

Special medics and rapid response teams were sent to Rakhine State to offer healthcare services after Cyclone Mocha and there were 13,881outpatients and 26,850 inpatients at the general hospitals and 68,750 patients at the rural health centres and branches between 16 May and 8 June. Rapid response teams also added water purification tablets 4,572 times and conducted 7,996 health awareness campaigns.

Special medical units offered healthcare services and a total of 5,748 patients—318 in Rathedaung, 746 in Sittway, 1,150 in Minbya, 961 in Kyauktaw, 275 in Ponnagyun, 727 in Pauktaw, 848 in Manaung, 190 in Buthidaung and 533 in Maungtaw township—received medical treatment.

Health workers in Rakhine State also conduct preventive measures and health awareness programmes to prevent diarrhoeal disease and other communicable diseases after the storm.



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