Thursday, June 8, 2023

Tatmadaw senior officers, officials assist in rehabilitation work in Rakhine State


UNDER Section 11 of the Natural Disaster Management Law, the State Administration Council declared the areas damaged by Cyclone Mocha as areas affected by natural disasters and appointed senior military officers to carry out rehabilitation activities in the areas mentioned in the announcement.

Lt-Gen Lu Aye, currently in Kyaukpyu in Rakhine State, along with officials, visited the Aungmingala monastery, encouraged mobile medical teams to give healthcare services to local people and provided foodstuffs.

Lt-Gen Aye Win, currently in Buthidaung Township, together with officials, inspected the medical treatments in Lan Ma monastery and donated rice and cash to Sayadaws. And Lt-Gen Aye Win inspected the delivery process of rice bags carried by the ship namely Kaladan 3.

Brig-Gen Win Ko Ko, currently in Tiddim Township, along with officials, inspected the places which were damaged by the storm in Paletwa Township and provided supplies to the locals.

Similarly, Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Soe attended a coordination meeting held at the guest house of the Township Administration Department to discuss the speedy delivery of relief supplies to the storm victims.

Brig-Gen Tin Swe, currently in Maungdaw, together with officials, inspected the reconstruction of houses in Maungdaw damaged by the storm. And they encouraged the locals currently living in temporary shelters.

Brig-Gen Nay Win Aung, currently in Paletwa, along with officials, provided foodstuffs and 144 family kit boxes donated by the disaster management department to locals from 44 storm-affected villages on 6 June.



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