Friday, June 9, 2023

Reception held to commemorate National Day of Russian Federation


UNION Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations Dr Kan Zaw attended the reception to commemorate the National Day of the Russian Federation yesterday evening at Lotte Hotel in Yangon.

First, the ceremony was opened with the National Anthem of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the National Anthem of the Russian Federation.

Then, Ambassador Mr Nikolay Listopadov of the Russian Federation gave his greetings and consequently, the cultural troupe of the Russian Federation performed traditional cultural songs and dances.

Next, Union Minister Dr Kan Zaw and Russian Ambassador Mr Nikolay Listopadov cut the celebratory cake marking the National Day of the Russian Federation.

Afterwards, the Union minister and the ambassador posed for the commemorative photo together with those who attended the reception and enjoyed the dinner.

The ceremony was attended by Yangon Region Chief Minister U Soe Thein, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye and wife, Lt-Gen Thet Pone from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army)and wife, Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Zaw Hein and wife, senior military officers, ambassadors from foreign embassies in Yangon, charges d’affaires, military attachés and invitees.



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