Tuesday, June 27, 2023

MoHT Union Minister participates in workshop exploring new potential destinations for Russian tourists


THE Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation held a round-table discussion on finding potential destinations for Russian tourists yesterday afternoon in Moscow and Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism U Aung Thaw attended it online.

At the discussion, Minister of Economic Development Mr Maxim Reshetnikov gave opening speech via video message.

Then, the Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism said that the “Welcome Russia” programme in Myanmar is being implemented by related ministries, the Myanmar-Russia Friendship Association in collaboration with private associations to invite Russian tourists to visit Myanmar.

Next, a video clip about Myanmar’s destinations in the Russian language was shown, and Deputy Director General U Zayar Myo Aung and the Chairman of the Myanmar Tourism Entrepreneur Association talked about investment opportunities and destinations in the tourism sector. They explained the tour package plans.

After that, the joint-secretary of the Myanmar-Russia Friendship Association explained the “Welcome Russia” programme in Myanmar, and the participants from the two countries discussed matters related to airline operations and development of tourism between the two countries.



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