Sunday, June 25, 2023

MoCRD Union Minister inspects cleaning, rehabilitation works in Rakhine State


THE Union Minister for Cooperatives and Rural Development U Hla Moe, currently in Rakhine State to oversee the rehabilitation tasks, viewed the collective cleaning works of rescue teams and departments at the precinct of Yan Pyay Man Pyay Pagoda in Kispa ward and along the strand road of Sittway together with Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin, Deputy Ministers and officials and the preparing to cook the charity feast for the rescue teams and the people affected by the storm yesterday.

Then, the Union minister inspected the healthcare services specialists from Sittway General Hospital to the residents in the Chaungnwemingan monastery of Chaungnwemingan Village, heard the clarifications of the responsible officials from the Ministry of Health, cordially greeted the residents and provided foodstuffs.

He also paid homage to Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kavidhaja of Chaungnwemingan Monastery and offered cash donations.

Afterwards, the Union minister and party attended the coordination meeting with the groups regarding the rehabilitation of vocational industries held at the Rakhine State government office.

At the meeting, the Union minister discussed the formation of cooperative societies, cultivation of high-yielding paddy, livestock breeding to carry out while emphasizing agriculture, providing technical assistance and agricultural inputs, successful businesses developed under cooperatives system in international countries and cooperation with ministries concerned to provide assistance and market status to promote the socioeconomic status and income of rural people.

Then, the state-level officials and officials of related associations reported on cattle breeding, sector-wise implementations regarding the Mya Sein Yaung project, agriculture and breeding industry.

State Chief Minister U Htein Lin and Deputy Minister Dr Aung Gyi coordinated the discussion and the Union Minister offers proper instructions and concluded the meeting.

At noon, the Union minister and party attended the coordination meeting on rehabilitation processes held at the state government office.

During the meeting, the working committees presented the working processes and future work plans.

The Union minister offered instructions regarding the rapid rehabilitation activities and keeping the township clean and pleasant, and concluded the meeting.



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