Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Fire Brigade has been serving duties focusing on the interests of the State and ethnic people in line with its fine traditions without political colours since its establishment: Vice-Senior General


FIREFIGHTERS need to constantly study the advancement of firefighting techniques and apply them for the citizens of the nation, said Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win at the ceremony to mark the 77th Anniversary of Myanmar Fire Brigade Day at the Myanmar International Convention Centre-II in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.

Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-Senior General said the Myanmar Fire Brigade under the leadership of the Ministry of Home Affairs is strictly following three important sectors: management, fire safety and rescue works and review.

A total of 18,336 outbreaks of fire happened within 10 years from 2013 to 2022, losing more than K155 billion worth of property, according to the records of the Department of Fire Services. Annually, more than 1,800 times of fire broke out in the whole nation with some K15 billion worth of property.

property. The Vice-Senior General urged all firefighters to skillfully handle modern fire extinguishers and rescue vehicles and equipment and take training for having better skills in relevant arenas. Firefighters have to value their lives and follow the prescribed laws, rules and disciplines to become good firefighters.

The Fire Brigade has been serving duties focusing on the interests of the State and ethnic people in line with its fine traditions without political colours since its establishment.

The Vice-Senior General praised permanent/auxiliary and separate firefighters for their sacrifices in dutifully serving assignments for the sake of the State and the people despite missing chances to secure honorary titles and medals.

The Vice-Senior General noted that as firefighters must solve the enormous dangers of the people firefighters, the role of the fire brigade is crucial in urban areas.

The Vice-Senior General said the Myanmar Fire Safety Code 2020 was issued on 30 December 2020 in order to minimize the loss in the outbreak of fire and reduce the danger to firefighters in putting out the fire.

Firefighters were urged to enhance their capacity to overcome the challenges of natural disasters and to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those from international fire brigades.

The Vice-Senior General stressed the need to study mod ern technologies in extinguishing the fire and carrying out search and rescue works while taking training in groups in line with the international search and rescue advisory- INSERAG so as to encounter new challenges of natural disasters.

Firefighters need to constantly study the advancement of firefighting techniques and apply them to the citizens of the nation.

Next, a video clip on the 77th Anniversary of Myanmar Fire Brigade Day was presented. Vocalist U Tun Shwe presented a song on taking care of the fire.

The Vice-Senior General presented honorary awards and cash to vocalist U Tun Shwe, 90 years old, company commander U Wan Thaung, 94, of Paungde Township Auxiliary Fire Battalion of Bago Region and Sergeant U Tun Kyi, 92, of retired military personnel/fire service personnel respectively.

The Vice-Senior General viewed the display of ancient and modern fire trucks and equipment and fire extinguishers imported by MSME at the hall of the Department of Fire Services.

Auxiliary Fire Company Commander U Wan Thaung, 94, of Paungde Township Auxiliary Fire Battalion practically drove a Daihatsu (Pyitawtha) threewheeled motorbike used in fire extinguishing tasks.

The Daihatsu (Pyitawtha) three-wheeled motorbike was manufactured by Japan in 1954. Such a vehicle arrived in Myanmar the same year and was used in putting out the fire. It could be used in narrow streets to put out the fire. U Wan Thaung has been serving duties of the auxiliary fire brigade for 69 years in good health from 25 years old to 94 years.

A dinner in commemoration of the 77th Anniversary of Myanmar Fire Brigade Day was held at MICC-II in the evening, attended by the Vice-Senior General and officials.



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