Saturday, May 6, 2023

The door of peace is always open to ethnic organizations which have not reached the peace talks yet without any pre-restrictions: Senior General


TRAINEES from UDNR and training schools must be trained to have experiences in rural administration and regional development, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the meeting 1/2023 of the Central Committee on Implementing Development of Border Areas and National Races at the SAC Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon.

In his speech, the Senior General, in his capacity as Chairman of the Central Committee on Implementing Development of Border Areas and National Races, said the central committee is implementing six kinds of duties. Peace and stability are crucial in striving for the development of border regions. Peace and stability are based on national unity.

Since its establishment, the State Administration Council has been emphasizing the prosperity of the State and food security, the socioeconomic development of the entire people, restoration of perpetual peace, and secure and smooth transport of the entire Union.

Border development and peace and stability are interrelated. In this regard, the transport sector plays a key role in mutual trust and friendly relations among ethnic people.

The development of the nation depends on the enhancement of education qualifications.

During the period from 1999 to 2014, a total of 19,441,711 youths attended the school, 11,137,318 of whom attended the middle school, accounting for 57.29 per cent and 7,787,412 students joined the eighth standard, accounting for 40.06 per cent. Hence, it is necessary to enhance education promotion in border regions.

With regard to the health sector, the Union health life expectancy is 63.4 years for males and 72.2 years for females on average. So, it is necessary to accelerate healthcare services for the people.

Agriculture and livestock are the primary business of the nation with expectations for food security of the nation as well as respective regions. Value-added products contribute much to regional development.

An emphasis is being placed on the development of human resources for youths from border regions. In this regard, 47 border youth development training schools are training 33,007 students and arrange them to continue learning in higher education and vocational schools. The University for Development of the National Races of the Union produces 14,058 students at different levels of degrees as well as teachership diplomas up to the 2022-23 academic year.

Nationalities Youth Resources Development Degree Colleges in Yangon and Sagaing turned out 4,701 students to obtain BA, BSc, AGTI diploma and BTech degrees and arranged for them to join relevant ministries as service personnel.

Everybody needs to specially take care of restoring peace and stability and national unity in the entire nation through undertakings of border region development which is essential for building the Union based on democracy and federalism the entire people inspire.

Seven NCA signatory ethnic armed organizations and three non-NCA signatory ethnic armed organizations held peace talks and the results from the talks came out for continuing the political peace and stability process. The Senior General noted that the door of peace is always open to ethnic organizations which have not reached the peace talks yet without any pre-restrictions.

While striving for the improvement of education, health, transport and economic sectors of the border regions, it is necessary to implement peace and stability as well as the rule of law in border regions.

Central Committee Secretary Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung reported on the formation of the central committee, duties and functions, policies, missions and visions, and progress of border regions and national races.

Members of the central committee, Union ministers, chief ministers of regions and states and officials participated in discussions on development undertakings for border regions and national races.

The Vice-Chairman of the central committee SAC Vice-Chairman instructed all to improve MSME businesses, undertake regional development tasks and develop human resources.

After hearing the reports, the Senior General highlighted that it is necessary to prioritize the improvement of school buildings and provide teaching aid to them. Arrangements should be made for running flights and waterway transport to the areas with lesser road transport facilities. Trainees from UDNR and training schools must be trained to have experience in rural administration and regional development.

The Senior General stressed the need to appoint nurses, health assistants and health officers in rural areas and medical doctors at the township level in the remote areas. The central committee must focus on the development of the nation based on rural areas. He underscored that it is necessary to turn out the youths capable of firmly safeguarding Our Three Main National Causes with patriotic spirit.

In conclusion, the Senior General pointed out that peace and stability of the border regions are of importance in the enhancement of border region development tasks. Hence, officials need to supervise the timely completion of the assignments in the relevant financial years despite restrictions of local situations, climatic conditions and the transport sector.

The Senior General noted that it can be seen that infrastructures of border regions and human resources are being undertaken with the funds provided by India and China as part of international cooperation. The Senior General expressed his thanks to the partner countries and organizations for their assistance in development undertakings contributing much to the ethnic national people from the border regions.



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