Monday, May 15, 2023

Tatmadaw dispatches rescue convoys to areas anticipated to be impacted by Cyclone Mocha


ON 13 May, the State Administration Council issued a press release stating that the National Disaster Management Committee intends to deploy military rescue convoys to the regions forecasted to be affected by Cyclone Mocha.

The cyclone “Mocha” has made landfall as a powerful cyclone and is presently moving in the direction of the Myanmar coast. It was anticipated to approach Sittway on 14 May. A military convoy made up of 112 vehicles, including machinery, was organized into 10 groups on 12 May and was sent to deliver supplies and aid that cannot be transported by helicopter. The supplies include tools for repairs, communication device, food for emergency and clean water.

The convoys left Yangon for Gwa, An and Kyauktaw, as well as Pathein and Magway as a backup group. Similarly, the World Food Program (WFP) announced on 13 May that it has pre-positioned enough food for one month for more than 400,000 people in Rakhine State and nearby areas that could be affected by the “Mocha” storm.

The WFP has additionally reported that humanitarian partners have established transportation and communication systems have been created by humanitarian partners for use during storm readiness and response.



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