Sunday, May 7, 2023

SAC Vice-Chair DPM Vice-Senior General Soe Win attends Film Academy Award Presentation Ceremony


STATE Administration Council Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win attended yesterday evening the ceremony to present Film Academy Awards for 2019, 2020 and 2022. The award presentation ceremony was held at the open-air theatre near the city hall.


Present on the occasion were Daw Than Than Nwe, the wife of the Vice-Senior General, the SAC Secretary, the Joint Secretary and his wife, the SAC Members and their wives, the Union-level Personnel and their wives, the Union Ministers and their wives, the Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman and his wife, Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye and his wife, high-ranking Tatmadaw officers from the Office of the Defence Services Commander-in-Chief and their wives, the Commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, the Deputy Ministers, the patrons, the chairman and members of Myanmar Motion Picture Organization, the Myanmar Press Council chairman, Myanmar Theatrical and Music Associations’ chairpersons and members, Myanmar Academy Award Scrutiny Board members, the people from the film, literature, theatre and music industries, responsible officials and specially invitees.

Before the ceremony, the vocalists sang the songs played by the musical band of MRTV. The SAC Vice-Chair greeted warmly the guests. Next, Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn and Myanmar Motion Picture Organization Chairman Academy Awards Winner U Kyi Soe Tun formally opened the ceremony to present the academy awards for 2019, 2020 and 2022. Afterwards, the Information and Public Relations Department presented a documentary video film.

Next, the SAC Vice- Chair Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General delivered a speech. He said, “I would like to express my delight and pride to have a chance to meet the actors, actresses, directors, producers and the people of all strata in the film industry on this auspicious occasion. As known to you all, Myanmar Film Industry has a very long history.

THE very first film was made during the period of the independence struggle. So, it has been 103 years since Myanmar established the film industry. The art of movie making is of vital importance because movies can give inspiration to the audience in addition to entertaining them. Myanmar film industry has been playing a significant role for more than a hundred years in nation-building activities.”

He went on to say that Myanmar movies have been contributing towards the national development, reflecting the real situations of the country, that the people of all strata in the film industry have been benefitting the nation, that the ability to preserve the national culture is important to the national development, that the art of film making is an important part of the national culture and that one of the four social objectives is to have due respect for the cultural customs and mores of all national races and to preserve the religious faith, culture and the national characters based on nationalism.

He said, “It can be seen by all that the government has emphasized the preservation of the national culture and characters. You are all important to achieving this objective. True, the movies are made chiefly for entertainment purposes, but they can be used as a soft power to influence the audience with the imposition of opinion, thoughts and ideas particularly in such matters as peace, unity and development. As great social influencers, they can instil patriotic spirit in their audience.”

“Our government has two objectives of ensuring national prosperity and food security. We want you actors, actresses, directors and producers etc to join us in realizing these two objectives. It’s said that film is for the country’s sake. And so, we want you all to stick to this motto, trying your best to change the mindset of your audience, instilling in them the correct thinking and nationalistic spirit,” he said.

He went on to say that the successful holding of the academy award presentation ceremony is demonstrating that the people of the film industry are united. “As the covid pandemic is over now, it is the time to revitalize the film industry. Not only the film industry but also the music and the theatre industry are also required to be active again. And I am optimistic that the people from these industries will per¬form their roles in unity in the interest of the nation. It is found that a total of over 4,000 movies have been made as of 2022, and the academy awards have been actress and the best actor for 2019, 2020 and 2022 respectively. Myanmar Academy Fashion Awards were also presented to four actors and actresses this year.

The Vice-Senior General, Union Information Minister and veteran Academy Award-winning artistes presented the best award winners, and the award-winners expressed their words of gratitude.

While the awards were being presented, artistes from the Myanmar Music Association, Myanmar Motion Picture Organization and the Myanmar Theatrical Association took turns to perform the entertainment.

Next, the State Administration Council Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General and party pose for the documentary group photos together with the Myanmar Film Academy Award presented for 63 years between 1952 and 2018. Today is the 64th anniversary, but this year we have to present the awards for three years — 2019, 2020 and 2022. Altogether 423 awards have been presented as of the 63rd anniversary. The lifetime awards have been presented to five luminaries.”

“The period between 1920 and 1945 was important to the film industry because it was the period during which the movies had a great impact on the audience to instil the patriotic spirit by which the people had struggled for independence, trying their utmost to free themselves from under the yoke of colonialism. The people of these days are needed to emulate their seniors in the aforesaid period.”

He said, “The people in the movie industry have been participating throughout different eras in the nation-building activities hand in hand with the people in power. Holding this noble tradition, you are all needed to continue to participate in the realization of the national objectives.”

He went on to say that he has a strong belief in the people from the film industry, that not only the actors, actresses, directors and producers but also the media people are those on whom the government relies in nation-building activities, that the fourth pillar is urged to contribute their part towards national peace, prosperity and development, that the government on its part has provided support to the median personnel and that he was grateful to all those who had helped the ministry concerned to achieve success in the convening of the academy award presentation ceremony.

Next, U Kyi Soe Tun spoke words of thanks followed by an explanation about the selection criteria for academy awards by the master of ceremonies.

Afterwards, the Myanmar Film Academy Awards were presented for such categories as best cinematography, the best music, the best sound, the film editing, the best screenplay, the best picture, the special award for costumes, the best director, the best supporting actress, the best supporting actor, winners and cordially greeted experts, technicians and artistes from the motion picture, literary, theatrical and music sectors.

In 2021, no movies could be screened due to COVID-19, but starting from April 2022, movies were screened again, and by the end of the year, 20 movies were screened.

For the Myanmar Film Academy Awards, 97 Myanmar movies that were released in 2019, 21 Myanmar movies that were released in 2020, and 20 Myanmar movies that were re-leased in 2022 were evaluated step-by-step by the Myanmar Film Academy Awards Selection Board, and the best films were selected and awarded.

The Myanmar Film Academy Awards have been present¬ed since 1952, and only three awards have been given: the Film Award, the Actor Award, and the Actress Award.

The first prize for the film was a golden Kinnari statue, while the second prize was a silver peacock statue, and the third prize was a bronze lion statue. Only golden pins were awarded for the Best Actor Award and the Best Actress Award.

Starting with the 1957 Myanmar Film Academy Awards Ceremony, the format of the awards was changed, and all awards were golden Kinnari statues.

The number of best awards was also increased year by year.

The Director Award in 1954, the Special Award in 1955, the Best Cinematography Award in 1956, and the Supporting Actor Award and the Supporting Actress Award in 1962, were up-graded. In 1990, Film Screen¬play Award, Film Music Award, and Film Sound Award were also added.

There have been 10 kinds of Myanmar Film Academy Awards, and since 1994, the film editing award has been added, bringing the total number of awards to 11. Awards were given to 208 artistes and professionals at the Myanmar Film Academy Awards ceremonies, held from 1952 to 2018.



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