Monday, May 29, 2023

SAC member DPM Union Minister inspects progress of rehabilitation activities in Rakhine State


STATE Administration Coun­cil Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communica­tions Admiral Tin Aung San, Union Border Affairs Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin yesterday morn­ing inspected loading of relief supplies carried by Fortune, Sun Shine vessels, and military vessels onto other vessels and vehicles with heavy machin­ery for Mocha-affected areas at Essar multipurpose port in Sittway.


They also viewed the mili­tary landing crafts that would be loaded with relief materials and delivered to the Mocha-hit areas and instructed respon­sible personnel to make ar­rangements in advance to load and unload the goods without delay at the arrival of vessels, distribute supplies systemi­cally, deliver to affected areas as soon as possible, and en­sure that it actually reaches the people in need through the systematic supervision.

Next, Admiral Tin Aung San and his party examined the progress in repair of lamp-posts along the city circular road and inspected the res­toration process of the guest house in Sittway Station.

Then, they looked into pro­gress of the roofing work at Sittway Basic Education High School No 1 and gave instruc­tions on the restoration work and the improvement of the school’s cleanliness and ap­pearance in a priority order.

Currently, the 230 KV MraukU-Ponnagyun power cable and the 66 KV Ponnag­yun Sittway No 1 power cable are being repaired by of 567 electricians in 16 teams and 62 heavy machinery from the Electric Power Transmission and System Control Depart­ment (DPTSC) under the Min­istry of Electric Power.

Seven pylons of the 66 KV Ponnagyun-Yathedaung pow­er line, which releases pow­er to Yathedaung Township in Sittway District, Rakhine State and 76 lamp-posts and two transformers from the 11 KV/400 volt power line that feeds Yathedaung were dam­aged in Cyclone Mocha.

Power cables and substa­tions in Yathedaung city were restored by 92 electricians and six heavy mahcinery from the Ministry of Electric Power, completing 34 lamp-posts in the 11 kV/400 volt power cable as of 26 May. It is scheduled that the remaining power lines would be completed in the first week of June.



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