Monday, May 15, 2023

SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attends 75th anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) ceremony of founding bilateral relations and diplomatic relations between Myanmar and India

CHAIRMAN of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attended the ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) ceremony of founding bilateral relations and diplomatic relations between Myanmar and India organized by the Myanmar-India International Business Federation and the Myanmar-India Friendship and Development Association at the National Theatre in Yangon yesterday evening.

The Senior General and the Indian Ambassador pressed the button to launch the 75th anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) ceremony to mark the founding bilateral relations and diplomatic relations between Myanmar and India and had documentary photos taken together with attendees.

The Senior General and party viewed round the photo gallery to mark the ceremony.

Then, a video clip on 75th anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) ceremony of founding bilateral relations and diplomatic relations between Myanmar and India was shown.

Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General said that Myanmar and India established the diplomatic relations on 4 January 1948 when Myanmar regained independence. So, it turned 75 years. Before the diplomatic relations, both countries have been preserving the traditions on religious, culture and social affairs for hundreds of years and both countries are sharing long borders.

It can be seen that as both countries have been relating with each other since yore due to same religions, culture and customs, literature, fine arts, architectural and building sciences, ration, clothing and utensils as well as trading, many usage of these materials are the same.

Both Myanmar and India fell under the colonial yoke of British and they strived for independence struggling. In this regard, leaders of both countries communicated with each other and their fighting together plays a key role in bilateral relations. General Aung San, who is Myanamr national leader as well as independence architect, and Indian national leader Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru were respectful to each other. Before going to England to sign the Aung San-Atlee treaty which is important for Myanmar independence, both leaders held a meeting in New Delhi of India. Nehru gave his coat to General Aung San to endure weather of England showing their fraternity and attachment.

As both countries have common historical and geographical conditions, they cooperate with each other in trade and culture sectors based on bilateral relations of leaders from both countries. Peoples from both countries are also communicating with each for development.

Moreover, India gave arm assistance to Myanmar in the internal armed conflicts in the post-independence period. In 1951, Indian Prime Minister Nehru fully stood for Myanmar to fight against invasion of Kuomintang. In addition, India actively supported Myanmar in submitting the objection on invasion of Kuomintang to the United Nations. Myanmar never forgets the gratitude of India.

Myanmar and India signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship on 7 July 1951. India as a good friend sold 900,000 tonnes of rice to Myanmar which faced economic crises in 1954. India is the fifth trade partner. Myanmar sends beans and other products to India which also exports medicines and industrial products as well as provide technical assistance to Myanmar.

Indian government donated cash to the fund for renovation of Bagan pagodas in 2016 and sold 13.4 million doses of Covishield and donated 1 million doses of Covaxin to Myanmar.

Currently, the two countries implement the Kaladan Multi Model Transit Project which will help emergence of Sittway Special Economic Zone based on Sittway port included in the Kaladan project.

The India Centre opened in Yangon in December 2021 is a symbol of bilateral relations which cements relations of both countries and mutual understanding between Myanmar and India.

During the period from 2013 to 2021, Myanmar sent more than 6,600 personnel as scholarship to India as a milestone between the two countries. Those personnel are now serving at the Union level and departmental heads of the country.

In fact, 75 years is a long time. During the period, it should actually take pride in preserving the the relations between the two countries recognizing sovereignty of both countries and mutual respect based on fraternity.

Then, the Indian Ambassador made a speech.

The Senior General and the Indian Ambassador enjoyed variety dances, songs and entertainments of cultural troupes of both countries and presented flower baskets to these troupes.

Later, the Senior General and wife, the Indian Ambassador and wife and attendees had dinner in honour of the 75th Anniversary friendly relations and diplomatic relations between Myanmar and India.  



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