Thursday, May 4, 2023

Religious places thronged with devotees on Kason full moon day

THE full moon day of Kason (the Buddha day) is an auspicious day for Theravada Buddhists: Buddha consecration ceremonies were held, Maha Bodhi trees were poured with water, donors from all over Mandalay offered rice to the monks and gave a feast in charity to all pagoda-goers at Mandalay’s famous pagodas.

The face of the Mahamuni Buddha Statue was washed under the direction of the Yay Taw Sayadaw. Then, the worshippers offered golden robes, food, water and flowers to the image and poured water on the Bayan tree, which is situated at the precinct of the pagoda.

Under the supervision of the Mandalay Region government, the ceremonies of donating food and curry, cash for sundry needs of monks and medicines to 10,628 monks residing to the east, west, south and north of the Moat of Mandalay were held at the same time.

Shwekyee Pagoda, Phayani Pagoda, Sutaungpyae Sutaungya Pagoda, Kyauk Taw Gyi, Kuthodaw, Thakyathiha Pagoda, Jade Pagoda and Aungtawmu Pagoda were crowded with devotees.

Maung Aye Chan/KZW

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