Sunday, May 14, 2023

Preparations, evacuation underway ahead of Cyclone Mocha


MYANMAR Police Force, General Administration Department and Fire Services Department accelerate the momentum in preparations like rescue work, emergency search and rescue and evacuation processes under the supervision of the Ministry of Home Affairs. They are now making preparations, evacuating the people to safe places in advance, and saving the rescue items, rations and drinking water in respective regions and states.

In such doing, members of units/departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs conducted awareness programmes, educating programmes, evacuation processes, removal of debris of fallen trees in storm winds, transport facilitation while water overflowing on creeks, rescue work, emergency search, first aid and evacuation processes in Bhamo Township of Kachin State, DaikU Township of Bago Region, Wundwin, Meiktila, NyaungU, PyinOoLwin and TadaU townships of Mandalay Region, Kyauktaw, Gwa, Sittway, Taungup, Ponnagyun, Pauktaw, Buthidaung, Minbya, Manaung, Myebon, MraukU, Rathedaung, Yanbye, Thandwe and Ann townships of Rakhine State, Dagon Myothit (South) of Yangon Region, Kyaunggon, Kyonpyaw, Ngathaingchaung, Ngaputaw, Ngayokekaung, Pathein, Pyapon, Mawlamyinekyun, Dedaye, Kyaiklat, Yekyi, Labutta, Thaboung and Hainggyikyun township of Ayeyawady Region yesterday.



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