Friday, May 5, 2023

Myanmar National Human Rights Commission Statement No 6/2023


1.    THE Chairman of the State Administration Council issued Order No 31/2023 on 3 May 2023, under which a total of 2,153 male and female prisoners serving sentences in respective prisons, jails and camps under Section 505-A of the Penal Code, were pardoned under Section 401 (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in commemoration of the full moon of Kason (Buddha Day), 1385 ME, and in the interest of public peace of mind and on compassionate grounds.

2.    Furthermore, the death sentences of 38 prisoners from respective prisons and jails have been commuted to life imprisonment by Order No 32/2023 on 3 May 2023 under Sub-Section (a) of Section 204 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

3.    This action is a positive step from a human rights perspective and, as a result, the parolees have the opportunity to be reunited with their families. Furthermore, those whose death sentences have been commuted may have the opportunity to enjoy their lives. Therefore, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission is deeply delighted together with relevant family members.

4.    The Commission hopes that similar positive steps will be continued in future.

Myanmar National Human Rights Commission

 Date: 4 May 2023



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