Friday, May 5, 2023

Lweje border trade value tops US$0.2 mln on 30 April


EXPORTS worth US$0.232 mil­lion were shipped in 19 trucks to China through the Lweje bor­der on 30 April, the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce indicated. Fifteen truckloads of tissue-cultured bananas and one truckloads of watermelons with a total value of $0.085 mil­lion were exported.

Artificial turf, synthetic fi­bre bags, PVC pipes, tractors, auto spare parts, motorbike spare parts, and plastic balls worth $0.147 million were im­ported from China. The trade between China and Myanmar is running as usual.

From 15 to 21 April 2023, Lweje and Kampaiti borders in Kachin State handled exports worth over $8.23 million and imports valued at over $0.64 million between China and Myanmar. The exchange rate is one yuan per 303.95 Myanmar kyats.



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