Monday, May 15, 2023

It is necessary to give a helping hand to all Myanmar citizens without leaving anyone: Senior General

CHAIRMAN of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attended the natural disaster management emergency meeting at the hall of the Commander-in-Chief yesterday morning in order to assign the duties of emergency management, response, rescue and cooperation and readiness with grouping and rehabilitation as cyclonic storm Mocha may enter Myanmar.

Occurrence of the storm moving to Myanmar

Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Moe Aung reported on situation of cyclonic storm Mocha and impacts of the storm along its route, possible route of the storm and wind speed, early arrival of the storm to Rakhine coast.

In his response, the Senior General said that the red colour storm warning has been issued three days ahead of the schedule as the possible moving of the storm to Myanmar coast is higher according to the forecast. The Senior General stressed the need to minimize loss and damage in the storm prone areas. And, relief and help process must be done in time as storm-hit areas faced loss and waste.

Collection of rice and rations by State and Tatmadaw in advance

Union Minister for Commerce U Aung Naing Oo, Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Ko Ko, Myanmar Economic Holdings Public Co Ltd Chairman Lt-Gen Hsan Oo, Chairman of Myanmar Economic Corporation Lt-Gen Nyo Saw and Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Kyaw Swa Lin reported on collection of reserve rice in advance to be sent to the storm-hit areas, collection of rations and corrugated iron sheets by Tatmadaw, stockpiles of instant noodle, dried rations, fuel, personal goods and construction materials, preparations for ancient pagodas in Bagan to face least damage, soonest repairing of damaged monasteries and nunneries and plans to offer meals to monks and nuns.

In his speech, the Senior General stressed the need to make proper packaging for rations for smooth distribution of emergency rations. Priority must be given to repairing the damanged monasteries and schools. Robes and nun robes as well as rice must be collected in advance to offer them if necessary.

Preparations for healthcare services

Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Soe Min Oo reported on preparations of medicines and medical crops by the Tatmadaw.

In his response to the report, the Senior General pointed out that medical crops must be prepared and sea-going hospital vessels must be ready. These vessels must be loaded with emergency rations and personal goods. Medical corps must be sent to the storm-affected areas to provide medical treatments to the people facing diseases in subsequence of the storm and flooding.

Formation in advance to undertake evacuation, transport and reconstruction

Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung, Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Kyaw Swa Lin and Director of Military Engineers Brig-Gen Zaw Naing Oo reported on formation of 10 groups comprising medics, engineers and information officials, collection of military bailey bridges, sending of helipads for emergency landing of helicopters, water purifiers and generations.

The Senior General instructed officials to make preparations for Sittway Airport transport relief aids and admit landing of aircrafts at night. It is necessary to form two more groups in addition to 10 emergency rescue vehicle teams.

Efforts for releasing real time information

Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn and Director of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun reported on releasing of storm news and storm warnings in time through backpacking satellite communication system and broadcasting of storm news on TV and through radio as well as on website.

The Senior General highlighted it is necessary to inform the people about danger of flooding and landslide in storm prone areas and disseminate storm news to all the people in various ways and means.

Undertaking rescue and relief for natural disaster-hit areas in cooperation with international community

Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations Dr Kan Zaw presented cooperation with international organziations to perform rescue and relief in the disaster-hit areas.

The Senior General stressed that Ministries of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement must cooperate with each other on time as well as with AHA Centre.

Protection for all citizens without leaving anyone

After giving guidance, the Senior General stressed need for relevant ministries, region and state governments, Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, and Air) and military commands to harmoniously cooperate with each other in rescue, relief and rehabilitation measures. It is necessary to give a helping hand to all Myanmar citizens without leaving anyone. Efforts must be made for minimizing loss and manage to overcome dangers of the storm.



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