Saturday, April 8, 2023

Passing out parade of Intake 126th of Tatmadaw (Army) Officer Training School (Bahtoo), Thura Company, held

THE passing out parade of Intake 126th of Tatmadaw (Army) Officer Training School (Bahtoo), Thura Company, took place at the parade ground of the Tatmadaw (Army) OTS (Bahtoo) in Bahtoo yesterday morning, with an address by State Administration Council Vice-Chairman Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Thiri Pyanchi Maha Thray Sithu Soe Win, on behalf of SAC Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing.

The Vice-Senior General took salute of the cadet companies and inspected them.

The Vice-Senior General took the slow-march past and quickmarch past of graduate companies. The Vice-Senior General presented the silver sword award to the best cadet award winner cadet Maung Maung Myint Myat.

Speaking on the occasion, the Vice-Senior General delivered a concluding speech, saying that those who will be military leaders in the future have to strictly follow the rules, disciplines, orders and directives issued by the Tatmadaw. All have to avoid indulgence and drinking which may harm health and fitness to enjoy the valuable soldier life as well as adjust income and spending. All servicemen have to totally avoid cigarettes, betel quids, liquor and narcotic drugs and follow religious and social advice for the improvement of morality.

The Vice-Senior General continued to say that Tatmadaw is an institution to follow civil and military laws as well as war laws including Geneva Convention. Training on legal affairs is being given to all levels of Tatmadaw members. Action is taken against offenders in a transparent manner. Moreover, officers and other ranks need to understand and follow the Rules Of Engagement-ROE.

With regard to training measures, the Senior General gave guidance at the 78th Anniversary Armed Forces Day parade. He said: “All Tatmadaw members at different levels are to take continuous training for skilfully handling the modern arms and equipment and for having skills in relevant arenas. In so doing, the training sessions will comprise individuals and units in line with the training policies. Every Tatmadaw member is to correctly serve daily duties as part of taking the training. The qualification of the Tatmadaw depends on individual Tatmadaw members with the power of military equipment. So, everybody needs to emphasise the enhancement of their capacity.”

In the organizational measure, the Senior General delivered an address at the central leading committee meeting 1/2023 of the Tatmadaw Organizing Central Leading Committee. He said: “Organizing is persuading other people to cooperate in any measures of their own accord. Organizational measures have two portions. The first one is to organize the Tatmadaw members and the second is related to the country. The organizational issue comprises individual organizing matters. Self-control can be defined as self-organizing to improve themselves in mental and disciplinary measures. If everybody does bad manners, they will face difficulties in all measures. A family without self-control will face lesser good chances for their life. If so, family life will be unhappy. So, everybody needs to improve themselves to be better.”

The Vice-Senior General urged them to understand the political system being exercised in the nation as they will serve the State duties in the future. Internal peace plays a key role in the democratic system based on the people. Hence, all citizens are to participate in ceasing the armed conflict.

The Vice-Senior General urged all to strictly follow the conventional military tactics, four military sectors and special military tactics in serving the military operations and security duties in assigned regiments and units. Moreover, they have to explain their assignments to the relevant units and abide by the war rules.

The Vice-Senior General took the salute of the cadet companies and left the parade ground.

After the parade, the Vice-Senior General together with Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and the commander of Eastern Command met outstanding cadets and spoke words of honour.



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