Saturday, April 1, 2023

More than 60,000 tourists arrive in Yangon in early 2023


THERE were over 22,000 foreign visitor arrivals in Yangon in March and more than 60,000 tourists entered Yangon in the first three months of this year.

The Directorate of Hotels and Tourism (Yangon) estimates that more tourists will arrive in April during the Maha Thingyan period.

The tour groups visited Yangon and its neighbouring places such as Bago, Taikkyi, Thanlyin, Kyauktan and Kyaiktiyo in March marking Yangon Region’s tourism to be more revived. The total of tourist arrivals at Yangon was 87,506 in 2022 and 16,774 in January, 22,038 in February and 22,000 in March 2023.

The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism welcomed tourists to visit Myanmar in the post-Covid period by implementing tourism to be an important business sector that earns foreign exchange for the State, long-term sustainability with preservation of the cultural heritage of all ethnicities, water, land, forest and cultural environment, development of the socioeconomic life of locals and domestic private sectors, the undertaking of the international and regional agreements with the State's interests and exerted efforts to develop as a sustainable and inclusive tourism sector contributes to peacebuilding.

Directorate of Hotels & Tourism (Yangon) Director U Nanda Aung said, "In January 2022, a total of 2,160 tourists entered Yangon and at the beginning of 2023, the number of tourists increased month by month. There were 16,774 tourists in January 2023, and the number of tourists surged in February and March. Therefore, more tourists can enter during the Thingyan Festival in April. The Directorate of Hotels and Tourism (Yangon) is in cooperation with the Myanmar Hoteliers Association and the Myanmar Tourism Federation to improve the tourism sector in Yangon."

Tourists enter Myanmar, which is a place of ancient cultural heritage sites, natural beauties of the mountains and lands appear in the seasons, seaside relaxing and rich and large national parks in flora and fauna every year except for two years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tourism activities were suspended during the outbreak of Covid-19 and Myanmar resumed the tourism industry in 2021 when the incidence of Covid-19 decreased. In the tourism season of 2022, the highest number of domestic visitors visited the Bagan cultural area and tourism and related business opportunities flourished again.

The Thingyan period is the last month of the Myanmar tourist season and officials estimate tourist arrivals to be more than February with the invitation of Yangon and cultural heritage places.

Nyein Thu(MNA)/MKKS


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