Sunday, April 30, 2023

Judicial support team for ongoing cases holds meeting 1/2023


THE judicial support team for ongoing cases held its 1/2023 meeting at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs yesterday.

During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister Lt-Gen Soe Htut, in his capacity as chairman of the judicial support team said the team was organized under SAC Order No 340/2021 as well as the coordination team for judiciary processes of Nay Pyi Taw/Regions/States not to occur delays in hearing processes, not to cause any losses to the prosecuted persons and to protect their rights as the courts could not conduct hearings in full starting 2020 due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

In doing so, the team prioritized the ongoing cases out of protection since 1 February 2021 at separate courts, other terrorist cases that should be conducted at separate courts, the criminal cases that are suspended for over two years and other prominent cases.

The judicial processes were conducted at 625 courts-14 region/ state courts, 114 district courts, 308 township courts and 189 separate courts for ongoing cases. The team cooperated with the ministries concerned and organizations to discuss the weak points of the Myanmar Police Force, legal offices and courts that are prosecution units. Then, it set the deadline for the first phase vision until December 2022 and almost the ongoing cases were completed. The duration for the second phase was set until July 2023 and the judicial organizations of Nay Pyi Taw, Regions/States should coordinate the discussion.

Then, judicial support team secretary Deputy Minister MajGen Toe Yi briefed the inventory of ongoing cases, monthly orders made by courts, new prosecutions at the courts and remaining cases. Then, the Deputy Prime Minister urged the attendees to work as per the procedures of laws in examining the ongoing cases at the courts during the second-phase period.



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