Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Dr Yi Yi Hla (Yuwady Khin Oo), Daw Tin Yi (Tin Yi Ma-NyaungU) secure Pakokku U Ohn Pe Lifetime Award for Literary Achievement

THE Pakokku Literary Award Fund Supervisory Committee yesterday announced prize winners for the 29th time.

The committee released winners in selected poems genre, novel genre, selected short stories genre, treatise genre and research literature genre.

Moreover, veteran writers Dr Yi Yi Hla (Yuwady Khin Oo) and Daw Tin Yi (Tin Yi Ma-NyaungU) secured Pakokku U Ohn Pe Lifetime Awards for Literary Achievement.

Ma Khaing Thazin Thein, a second-year movies and theatrical drama major student from the National University of Arts and Culture (Yangon) and Ma Myat Shwe Sin Hmu, a second-year movies and theatrical drama major student at the National University of Arts and Culture (Mandalay) secured Pakokku U Ohn Pe scholarship awards.

The books of MP Maung Myint, Aung Toe (Sein Chel) and U Myint Naing won the Pakokku U Ohn Pe Library Book Awards.

Winners of the Pakokku U Ohn Pe Lifetime Award for Literary Achievement will be presented K1 million, the first prize in literary award K700,000, the second K500,000 and the third K400,000. Those winners are to contact the Chief Editor of the Sarpay Beikman at 529/531 on Merchant Street in Yangon, dialling 01-240048 and Admin Department, 01-381449. The timetable and venue for the prize awarding ceremony will be released later.



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