Saturday, March 4, 2023

Union Health Minister attends Traditional Medicine Conference and Exhibition of Shanghai Cooperation Organization


UNION Minister for Health Dr Thet Khaing Win attended the opening ceremony of the Traditional Medicine Conference and Exhibition of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held in Guwahati, State of Assam in India yesterday morning. It was inaugurated with traditional candlelight, and officials from the Ministry of Ayush gave welcoming speeches.

Then, Union Minister Dr Thet Khaing Win said in his opening speech that Myanmar traditional medicine is a medical science that has been firmly established as a cultural heritage of Myanmar from successive eras up till present day; During the Covid-19 pandemic, Myanmar, like other countries, conducted medical treatment using traditional medicines; In order to develop the science of traditional medicine, the University of Traditional Medicine was opened in Mandalay from where traditional medicine practitioners are produced every year; Experts, scholars and businesspersons from member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, observer countries and partner countries will make exerted efforts in the all-round development of traditional medicines; Conference will promote mutual understanding and collaborations for economic relations, trading and investments in the traditional medicine sector, expand traditional medicinal research, and ensure quality, security and efficacy of traditional medicines. Union Minister of Ayush and Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Shri Sarbanada Sonowal then delivered the opening speech.

Afterwards, the Union minister and attendees viewed round the exhibition. Delegates from eight member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, three observer countries and 13 partner countries attended the conference and exhibition.



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