Friday, March 3, 2023

UMFCCI, MJC hold meeting on human resources, private sector development


REPUBLIC of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry-UMFCCI President U Aye Win received Senior Representative Mr Ono Shotaro of JICA Myanmar Office and Chief Advisor Mr Kunihiro Yamauchi to Myanmar-Japan Centre (MJC) to discuss the development of human resources and private sector in Yangon Region on 1 March.

Speaking at the meeting, the MJC chief advisor said the centre is one of the projects provided by JICA for Private Sector Development and is also established with the participation of UMFCCI. The MJC is now 10 years old and it conducts Business Courses for the private sector. The duration of the centre will finish due on 31 March and the two sides agreed to extend for further three years. The Young Leader Programmes will be prioritized during the extended period.

Then, the UMFCCI president said the MJC supported not only the business community but also the young people by launching training courses. It is known that the intention of the Japanese government is to provide human resources development. UMFCCI will keep maintaining its achievements and cooperating with MJC. Also present at the meeting were UMFCCI vice-presidents, joint general secretary U Kyaw Deva, Daw Thuzar Win and other relevant officials.

Myo Min Thura/KTZH


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