Friday, March 31, 2023

Senior General: Academic measures to be undertaken for knowledge and skill development and life improvement of new generations with goodwill


AS the university is a focal point for sharing subject-wise knowledge and social experiences, faculty members and students need to emphasize national cause than politics, said State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the meeting with faculty members at Sittway University yesterday afternoon.


At the convocation hall, Sittway University Rector Dr Khin Maung Zaw reported to the Senior General on academic measures at the university, plans of conducting doctoral courses from 2023-24 AY, construction of student hostels, requirements of more buildings at the university and upgrading sports grounds.

Union Minister for Education Dr Nyunt Pe reported on the appointment of faculty members at the university in the tenure of SAC, the connection of the internet, the construction of buildings and plans to build more lecture halls.

Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General said that, in its tenure, the government provided cash awards and residential allowance to faculty members as an impetus for academic matters. Cash assistance depends on relevant subjects and professional measures.

The Senior General pointed out that the promotion of learning by students from grade to grade was down in Rakhine State. It is a challenge to the country, harming development of the nation. Weakness in encouraging education may cause impacts on the State in all aspects and it cannot secure a cent per cent success. As residences are included among faculty members of Sittway University, they all have to give systematic training to students to become educated.

Teaching must comprise subject-wise knowledge and social experiences for students. As the university is a focal point for sharing subject-wise knowledge and social experiences, faculty members and students need to emphasize national cause than politics.

The Senior General highlighted that students must have knowledge about legal affairs and economic measures. Hence, law subject and basic economic subject are being lectured at all universities. The government set an aim that graduates must be capable of improving their socioeconomic life and environment.

The appointment of faculty members must be in line with the ratio of students to faculty members. The Senior General pledged to build student hostels and lecture halls for the university. The football ground will also be upgraded. The Senior General stressed the need to improve the education qualification and general knowledge of students of Sittway University.

The Senior General and party viewed round the university and buildings in a motorcade.

At the Viewpoint in Sittway, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla and party viewed the relaxation of the local people and gave instructions on the beautification of the viewpoint.



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